‫د ایس اے څلور ټاپ ټیمونو ساوتھ ایشيا او پب جی موبائیل پرو لیګ مینا چیمپیئن شپ  سیزن ون اړخ نه د پب جی موبائیل ګلوبل چیمپیئن شپ 2021 سلاټس بک کړل۔

پاکستان، 25 نومبر، 2021/پی آرنیوزوائر/ –Â PUBG MOBILE پرو لیګ مینا او د جنوبی ایشیا چیمپئن شپ په شکل کښې لومړی کراس ریجن پرو لیول ټورنامنټ 14 نومبر له خپل شاندار اختتام ته اورسیدو۔ پی ایم پی ایل عربیہ سیزن 2، پی ایم پی ایل ساؤتھ ایشیا سیزن 4، پی ایم سی او ایچ ټی ایم فال اسپلټ 2021، پی ایم سی او افریقہ فال اسپلټ د 2021 ټیمونو د ډالر 150,000 انعامی پول د پاره د یو بل په مخامخ مقابله کښې دی۔

ټورنامنٹ کښې لیګ مرحلے 4 ورځی او د فائنل 2 ورځی وے چرته ساؤتھ ایشین ټیم، Stalwart Esports لیګ مرحلے مښې 204 پوائنٹس کے سره په ټاپ پوزیشن قبضہ کولو کامیابه شوه  او د  MENA ټیم Rico Infinity په 130 پوائنټس سره  ټائټل وګټو۔ Rico Infinity د 40,000 USD انعامی رقم کور ته وړو۔

ټاپ 4 ټیمونو له PUBG MOBILE ګلوبل چیمپئن شپ کښې مخکښې تلل وه، ولے چونکہ DRS او Nigma Galaxy اول نه په ټورنامنټ کښې خپل ځائی بک کړی وه ځکه په لیډر بورډ راتلونکی 2 ټیمونه یعنی Cryptics او Deadeyes Guys له سلاټ به ملاویږی او دی سره په عالمی سټیج باندی ځائی به جوړ کړی۔

ډیوائس پارټنر اوپو د خپل عمیق او د سیال ګیمنګ تجربے سره ټورنامنټ د کامیابی کښې یو فعال کردار ادا کړو۔

پی ایم پی ایل نه پس جنوبی ایشیا چیمپئن شپ PUBG MOBILE ګلوبل چیمپئن شپ به کیږی چی کوم 30 نومبر نا 21-23 جنوری پوری ګرینډ فائنلز سره شروع کیدو والا دی۔  ایسټ او ویسټ دواړه  لیګ فائنلز او نور ګرینډ فائنلز د پاره خپل سلاٹس بک کولو د پاره لیګ میچ  به لبیږی۔ په دواړو خطو کښې باوقار ټائټل او د 6,000,000 USD عظیم الشان انعامی پول د پاره  20 ټاپ اسکواډز به حصہ واخلی۔

 پی ایم جی سی ویسټ (20 ټیمونه):

  • PMPL CIS – 1 (NAVI)
  • PMPL برازیل – 1 (Alpha7)
  • PMPL ترکی – 1
  • PMPL مغربی یورپ – 1
  • PMPL LATAM – 1
  • PMPL شمالی امریکہ – 1
  • PMPL امریکہ چیمپئن شپ سیزن 2 – 7
  • PMPL یورپ چیمپئن شپ سیزن 2 – 7

 پی ایم جی سی ایسټ (20 ټیمونه):

  • PMPL انډونیشیا  – 1  (GENESIS DOGMA GIDS)
  • PMPL ویتنام – 1  (DXavier)
  • PMPL تھائی لینډ– 1   )دی انفینټی(
  • PMPL ملائیشیا – 1  (ٹیم سیکرټ)
  • PMPL Arabia – 1 (Nigma Galaxy)
  • PMPL SEA سیزن 4 – 4
  • PMPL MENA او جنوبی ایشیا چیمپئن شپ سیزن 1(سره (PMCO HTM  – 4 
  • PMPL جنوبی ایشیا  – 1 ( DRSګیمنګ) 
  • (KR)  PUBG MOBILE PRO سیریز سیزن 2-1
  • (JP)   PUBG MOBILE جاپان لیګ سیزن 1 – 1
  • PUBG موبائل حریف کپ کوریا بمقابلہ جاپان – 1
  • چین PEL – 3  (TJB)

پی ایم جی سی  تمام میچون خصوصی طور باندی په Youtube باندی براه راست به چلیږی۔

پب جی موبائیل او د ده  اسپورټس کائنات وخت تیریدو سره زیاتیږی۔ PUBG MOBILE اړخ نه د ګیم سره مینه کونکو ته زړه نه شکریہ کوم چی د ټورنامنټ حقیقی فاتحین دی۔ مونږ نور هم ډیر نور څه راتلو والا دی ځکه ګوری او حتمی کارروائی نه محروم نہ شے۔

د PUBG موبایل په اړه 

PUBG MOBILE د PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEROUNDS پر بنسټ والړ دی، باندی مبنی دے، هغه رجحان کوم چی په 2017 کښې د انټرایکټو تفریح ​​دنیا په طوفان کښې واچوله۔ 100 پوری کھلاړیان پیراشوټ په ذریعے لرے جزیرو باندی ګټلو والا غونډ په شو ډاؤن کښې جنګیدل۔ کھلاړیان خپل ہتھیارونه، ګاړی او سپلائیز تلاش کول او د هغی لټون کول غواړی، او ہر کھلاړی بصری او حکمت عملی سره بھرپور میدان جنګ کښې شکست ورکول غواړی کوم کھلاړیانو له راټولی دو سره پلے زون اړړخ ته تلو د پاره مجبوروی۔

نور معلومات د پاره ، براہ کرم facebook، twitter، instagram او youtube باندی آفیشل PUBG MOBILE اکاؤنټس وګوری۔

‫‫پب جی موبائل پرو لیگ مینا (ایم ای این اے) اور ساؤتھ ایشیا چیمپئن شپ سیزن 1 سے ٹاپ 4 ایس اے ٹیموں نے پب جی موبائل گلوبل چیمپئن شپ 2021 کے سلاٹس بک کرلئے

پاکستان، 25 نومبر 2021 /پی آر نیوز وائر/ — پب جی موبائل پرو لیگ مینا (ایم ای این اے) اور ساؤتھ ایشیا چیمپئن شپ کی شکل میں پہلا کراس ریجن پرو لیول ٹورنامنٹ کا 14 نومبر کو شاندار اختتام ہوا۔ پی ایم پی ایل عربیہ سیزن 2، پی ایم پی ایل ساؤتھ ایشیا سیزن 4، پی ایم سی او ایچ ٹی ایم فال اسپلٹ 2021، پی ایم سی او افریقہ فال اسپلٹ 2021 کی ٹیموں نے 150,000 ڈالر کے انعامی پول کے لئے آمنے سامنے مقابلہ کیا۔

ٹورنامنٹ میں لیگی مرحلے کے 4 دن اور فائنل کے 2 دن مختص تھے جہاں جنوبی ایشیائی ٹیم، اسٹالورٹ ایسپورٹس لیگی مرحلے میں 204 پوائنٹس کے ساتھ ٹاپ پوزیشن حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب رہے اور مینا (ایم ای این اے) ٹیم ریکو انفینٹی نے 130 پوائنٹس کے ساتھ جیت کا ٹائٹل  اپنے نام کیا۔ ریکو انفینٹی 40,000 امریکی ڈالر کی انعامی رقم اپنے ساتھ لے گئے۔

ٹاپ 4 ٹیموں کو پب جی موبائل گلوبل چیمپئن شپ میں آگے بڑھنا تھا، لیکن چونکہ ڈی آر ایس اور نگما گلیکسی پہلے ہی ٹورنامنٹ میں اپنی جگہ بُک کر چکے ہیں، لیڈر بورڈ پر اگلی 2 ٹیمیں یعنی کرپٹکِس اور ڈیڈآئیز گائز، سلاٹ حاصل کریں گی اور عالمی سطح پر ایک شاٹ حاصل کریں گی۔

ڈیوائس پارٹنر اوپو نے اپنے مربوط اور فلوئیڈ گیمنگ تجربے کے ساتھ ٹورنامنٹ کی کامیابی میں فعال کردار ادا کیا۔

پی ایم پی ایل مینا (این ای این اے) اور ساؤتھ ایشیا چیمپئن شپ کے بعد پب جی موبائل گلوبل چیمپئن شپ ہوگی جو 30 نومبر سے شروع ہوگی جبکہ 21 سے 23 جنوری کو شاندار فائنل کا انعقاد کیا جائے گا۔ ایسٹ اور ویسٹ دونوں لیگ فائنلز اور گرینڈ فائنلز کے لئے اپنے سلاٹ بک کرنے کے لئے لیگ میچز کھیلیں گے۔ دونوں خطوں میں 20 ٹاپ اسکواڈ ز ہوں گے جو اس باوقار ٹائٹل اور 6,000,000 امریکی ڈالر کے عظیم الشان انعامی پول کے لئے مقابلہ کریں گے۔

پی ایم جی سی ویسٹ (20 ٹیمیں):

  • پی ایم پی ایل سی آئی ایس – 1 (این اے وی آئی)
  • پی ایم پی ایل برازیل – 1 (الفا7)
  • پی ایم پی ایل ترکی – 1
  • پی ایم پی ایل مغربی یورپ – 1
  • پی ایم پی ایل لاٹم (ا اے ٹی اے ایم) – 1
  • پی ایم پی ایل شمالی امریکہ – 1 
  • پی ایم پی ایل امریکن چیمپئن شپ سیزن 2 – 7 
  • پی ایم پی ایل یورپ چیمپئن شپ سیزن 2 – 7

پی ایم جی سی ایسٹ (20 ٹیمیں) : 

  • پی ایم پی ایل انڈونیشیا – 1 (جینیسیس ڈوگما گِڈز)
  • پی ایم پی ایل ویتنام – 1 (ڈی زیویر)
  • پی ایم پی ایل تھائی لینڈ – 1 (دی انفینٹی)
  • پی ایم پی ایل ملائیشیا – 1 (ٹیم سیکرٹ)
  • پی ایم پی ایل عربیہ – 1 (نگما گلیکسی) 
  • پی ایم پی ایل سی SEA  سیزن  4 ۔ 4   
  • پی ایم پی ایل مینا (ایم ای این اے) اور جنوبی ایشیا چیمپئن شپ سیزن 1 (پی ایم سی او ایچ ٹی ایم کے ساتھ) – 4
  • پی ایم پی ایل جنوبی ایشیا -1 (ڈی آر ایس گیمنگ)
  •  (کے آر) پب جی موبائل پرو سیریز سیزن 1 – 2
  •  (جے پی) پب جی موبائل جاپان لیگ سیزن 1 – 1
  • پب جی موبائل جاپان لیگ سیزن 1 – 1 
  • پب جی حریف کپ کوریا بمقابلہ جاپان – 1
  • چائنا پی ای ایل – 3 (ٹی جے بی)

پی ایم جی سی کے تمام میچ خصوصی طور پر یوٹیوب سے براہ راست نشر ہوں گے۔

پب جی موبائل اور اس کی ایسپورٹس دنیا ہر گزرتے سیزن کے ساتھ بڑھتی جارہی ہے۔ پب جی موبائل کی جانب سے گیم کو پسند کرنے والوں کا تہہ دل سے شکریہ، جو ٹورنامنٹ کے حقیقی فاتح ہیں۔ ہمارے پاس اور بھی بہت کچھ ہے جو آنے والا ہے، لہذا ہمارے ساتھ رہیں تاکہ حتمی ایکشن سے محروم نہ رہیں۔

 پب جی موبائل کے بارے میں 

پب جی موبائل، کھلاڑی نامعلوم کی جنگ کے میدان پر مبنی ہے، یہ وہ رجحان ہے جس نے 2017 میں انٹرایکٹو تفریح کی دنیا کو طوفان سے ہمکنار کر دیا تھا۔ 100 تک کھلاڑیوں کو ایک دور دراز جزیرے پر پیراشوٹ کے ذریعے تمام فتح یافتہ شوڈاون میں لڑتے ہیں۔ کھلاڑیوں کو اپنے ہتھیاروں، گاڑیوں اور سپلائیز کو تلاش کرنا اور انکا کھوج لگانا چاہیے اور ہر کھلاڑی کو بظاہر طور پر  اور حکمت عملی سے بھرپور میدان جنگ میں شکست دینی چاہیے جو کھلاڑیوں کو سکڑتے ہوئے پلے زون میں لے جانے پر مجبور کرتا ہے۔

مزید معلومات کے لیے برائے مہربانی آفیشل پب جی موبائل اکاؤنٹس، فیس بک، ٹویٹر، انسٹاگرام اور یوٹیوب پر وزٹ کریں۔

One step closer to interoperability: Applying SNOMED CT’s engine to the International Patient Summary

In 2022, SNOMED International will extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS) under a Creative Commons license.

London, United Kingdom, Nov. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — At SNOMED International’s recent October Business Meetings held in London, the organization’s governance bodies enacted a decision to extend the core of SNOMED CT’s structured clinical terminology to deliver an open, standalone sub-ontology to support the scope of content within the International Patient Summary (IPS.)

The IPS is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, as well as for local, regional and other care scenarios. It is a minimal, non-exhaustive set of data elements defined by ISO/EN 17269 and delivered by HL7 in both CDA and FHIR using a curated set of SNOMED CT terms.

There is a groundswell of support across all health sectors to increase the portability and usability of patient information for the purpose of safe health care delivery. In 2019, SNOMED International and HL7 International announced the formalization of a license agreement in which a relevant ‘Free for Use’ Set of SNOMED CT coded concepts would be used within the HL7 IPS. Most recently, we watched as G7 leaders collaborated to release a communique on the dire need to progress a global health interoperability agenda. IBM offers a working definition of interoperability as “the timely and secure access, integration and use of electronic health data so that it can be used to optimize health outcomes for individuals and populations.”  The G7 communique, which highlighted the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly as patients move between providers, facilities and even countries, is an impactful statement that rippled throughout the global health community. A charge taken up by the Global Digital Health Partnership, it is one SNOMED International is eager to support.

Embracing a collaborative approach, “SNOMED International has been pleased to continue to work with HL7 International and partners across Europe and beyond to define SNOMED CT content for use in the International Patient Summary,” offered SNOMED International Management Board Chair, Joanne Burns.

Continuing to act in the spirit of the IPS Freeset, SNOMED International has committed to create and release an openly available IPS sub-ontology in the first half of 2022 to enhance the existing cross border movement of information, and ultimately health system interoperability. Unlike SNOMED International’s Global Patient Set, a flat list of SNOMED CT codes and terms, an IPS sub-ontology will provide implementers with a product that can be used in healthcare solutions using the power of SNOMED CT through its query language and hierarchies for the specified scope. Use of the IPS sub-ontology will allow for more effective use of clinical data analytics and decision support, and for Artificial Intelligence applications.

Alex Elias, Chair of SNOMED International’s General Assembly, the organization’s Member governance body, has observed a significant increase in discussion regarding the IPS. “2021 has seen increased interest by governments and Health and Care organizations globally for implementing the IPS to enhance timely cross border health information flow and interoperability. This has been a primary driver in SNOMED International supporting this recent initiative to make the IPS sub-ontology openly available with SNOMED CT content.“

An organization with an extensive history and active program of collaboration, SNOMED International CEO, Don Sweete, has played a pivotal role in positioning the IPS sub-ontology as a ‘soon to be achieved’ reality. “As the G7 Health Ministers recently indicated, the importance of enabling digital healthcare systems worldwide to work together seamlessly so patients don’t suffer as they move between providers, facilities and even countries is a sentiment that has rippled throughout the global health community”, offered Sweete. He went on to state that, “continued work with fellow health standards development, national, clinical and technical entities, SNOMED International will dedicate resources to achieve the goal of digital health interoperability.” Sweete added, “equipping the IPS, already one of the best examples of international collaboration among standards bodies, with the full capability of SNOMED CT’s ontological design is a significant action that we can contribute to achieving health information access gains for patients.”

Over the coming months, SNOMED International is formalizing the steps and due diligence required to make the IPS sub-ontology available for broad release. Throughout this period, SNOMED International will continue to define the IPS sub-ontology, from content through to its release and maintenance approach for launch in the first half of 2022.

Visit SNOMED International’s IPS Sub-Ontology information page or subscribe to the organization’s news service to learn more as this initiative progresses. For additional information, contact info@snomed.org.


About SNOMED International

SNOMED International is a not-for-profit organization that owns and develops SNOMED CT, the world’s most comprehensive healthcare terminology product. We play an essential role in improving the health of humankind by determining standards for a codified language that represents groups of clinical terms. This enables healthcare information to be exchanged globally for the benefit of patients and other stakeholders. We are committed to the rigorous evolution of our products and services, to deliver continuous innovation for the global healthcare community. SNOMED International is the trading name of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation.



Kelly Kuru
SNOMED International

Steps Afoot to Remove All Hurdles in Foreign Investment: Shaukat Tarin

Advisor to the Prime Minister on Finance and Revenue Shaukat Tarin has said that government will remove all the hurdles lying in the way of foreign investment in the country as it welcomes and supports investors.

He made these remarks while talking to Group Chief Executive Officer VEON Kaan Terzioglu, who called on him at Finance Division on Thursday.

Kaan Terzioglu appreciated the Pakistani government for its support to foreign investors. Briefing the Advisor on the operations and services of the company, he said VEON was transforming lifestyles through technology-driven services that provided opportunities in some of the world’s fastest-growing emerging markets.

The CEO also highlighted the measures for better use of technology as well as the importance of data sovereignty for a country like Pakistan. He sought support and cooperation for investment in new technologies in the country.

The Advisor affirmed that the government welcomed and supported foreign investment in the country and a number of initiatives were being taken to facilitate the investors. He assured the GCEO of his full support.

Tarin noted that information technology and telecommunications were important sectors that could play a key role in economic growth.

Kaan Terzioglu thanked the Advisor for extending his full support and cooperation.




Source: Pro Pakistani

Cold, dry weather expected in most parts of the country

Mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country during the next twelve hours.

However, smog and shallow fog is likely to prevail in plain areas of Punjab. Cloudy weather with light rain and snowfall over hills is expected at a few places in Northern Areas.

Temperature of some major cities recorded this morning:

Islamabad and Peshawar eight degree centigrade, Murree and Muzaffarabad six, Lahore twelve, Karachi twenty, Quetta four and Gilgit two degree centigrade.

According to Met Office forecast for Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, cold and dry weather is expected in Srinagar, Jammu, Pulwama, Anantnag, Shopian and Baramula while very cold and partly cloudy in Leh.

Temperature recorded this morning: Srinagar, Shopian and Baramula three degree centigrade, Jammu eleven, Leh minus five, Pulwama two and Anantnag zero degree centigrade.



Source: Radio Pakistan

President Alvi Directs Bank to Compensate for Account Holder’s Loss of Rs. 800,000

President Dr. Arif Alvi on Thursday upheld the decision of the Banking Mohtasib directing a private bank to credit the lost amount of Rs. 800,000 to the victim of bank fraud.

The President rejected the representation of the bank against the decision of the Mohtasib and observed that the bank was at fault for having incorporated the wrong contact numbers of the account holder in the bank system, which prevented any remedial step on receiving SMS alerts.

The complainant, Naveera, who maintained an account with Muslim Commercial Bank’s Gulshan-e-Ravi Branch, Lahore, suffered the loss after her account was debited using an ATM card at four different ATM terminals.

She said the transactions were unauthorized as they were not made by her and the ATM card was in her possession even when the transactions were carried.

She also reported that no SMS alerts about the withdrawal of funds were conveyed to her except one intimating the withdrawal of Rs 200,000 from her account.

On receiving the SMS, the complainant lodged a complaint with the bank, however, she was not provided any relief. Subsequently, she approached the Banking Mohtasib to get a refund of Rs 800,000 withdrawn from her account fraudulently.

The Banking Mohtasib in its decision observed that additional contact numbers of the complainant had been added in the bank’s record without any authorization from the account holder, therefore, SMS regarding cash withdrawal transactions could not be received by the complainant. Moreover, the bank had changed her PIN Code, just three days before the transactions, after receiving a phone call from an imposter as the phone banking officer did not probe the caller.

The bank admitted during the hearing that the voice of the caller was different from the voice of the lady complainant. Additionally, the CCTV footage and snapshots of disputed transactions with date and time were not visible as the bank was found negligent to implement the State Bank of Pakistan’s (SBP) guidelines regarding the installation of cameras in ATM cabins to have secondary evidence and to monitor all activities in the ATM vicinity.

The Mohtasib in its decision stated that the bank was under obligation to prove with cogent reasonable evidence that transactions were conducted by the complainant or were conducted by any person under her mandate.

The Ombudsman, therefore, ordered the bank to make good the loss by crediting the account of the complainant with a sum of Rs 800,000.

Later, the bank filed a representation with the President, which he rejected observing that the bank miserably failed to fulfil its statutory liability and rebut the claim of the complainant by failing to provide any justification to set aside the orders of the Banking Ombudsman.

He noted that as per the law, the Banking Mohtasib was required to inquire into the complaints about banking malpractices, maladministration, wrongdoings, fraudulent transactions, the corrupt and mala fide practices by the bank officials and pass appropriate orders on conclusion of the inquiry.

The President rejected the representation of the bank as no fault could be found with the Banking Mohtasib’s approach to the matter.




Source: Pro Pakistani

Razak Dawood Calls for Closer Economic Ties with Africa as PATDC Concludes

Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce, Abdul Razak Dawood, emphasized the need for closer economic ties between Pakistan and Africa to harness mutual benefits in trading activities.

The adviser was speaking at the closing ceremony of the second Pakistan-Africa Trade Development Conference (PATDC), on Thursday, being held in Lagos, Nigeria.

Calling Africa “a promising continent and land of opportunities,” he said that economically, the continent had been a distant frontier for Pakistan in the past, with trade volume between Pakistan and Africa hovering around $3 billion. The adviser said that the launch of the “Look Africa Policy Initiative” has brought positive results, with exports to Africa now on an upward trajectory.

“Soon after coming into power, the Prime Minister took the initiative and asked the Ministry of Commerce to look at regional connectivity, and in particular, look at Africa,” he said.

Dawood said that Pakistan had set a target of doubling its export in the next five years, with a focus on African and Asian markets. He also emphasized the need for closer coordination between businessmen from Africa and Pakistan.

Speaking earlier, the High Commissioner of Pakistan to Nigeria, Muhammad Azam, said that global priorities are moving away from geo-politics to geo-economics, and national policies must focus on transformation via multiple facets.

He said that the African continent is the largest free trade area with a market of 1.2 billion people and has tremendous business potential. The envoy hoped that the conference would enable the business communities of Pakistan and Africa, especially the Nigerian business community, to interact with each other.

Nigerian Minister for Industry, Trade, and Investment, Adeniyi Adebayo, while speaking at the occasion, said that Nigeria is well prepared for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), with policies and initiatives being implemented by the federal government. He welcomed Pakistan’s “Look Africa Policy,” and expressed gratitude for choosing Nigeria as host for the PATDC and Exhibition.

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu, advised the African continent and the Pakistani government to explore the use of emerging technologies to improve their trade and business environment.

The governor called on the Pakistani businessmen to explore the business opportunities inherent in the African countries, especially in the West African region, for economic growth.

Sanwo-Olu also commended the “Look Africa Policy,” which he said recognized the immense opportunity of Africa as a home to the world’s largest free trade area. He said that the policy recognized Africa as the home to some of the fastest-growing economies in the world, and the pool of the world’s largest population of young people.

The conference was attended by businessmen and officials from the Economic Community of West Africa (ECOWAS) member states, especially Nigeria.

The single country exhibition being held alongside the conference attracted over 3000 visitors, and five memoranda of understanding (MoUs) were signed by Pakistani pharmaceutical companies, with trade deals worth $6 million with Nigerian companies and a Senegalese company.




Source: Pro Pakistani

CBD Punjab Highlights Investment Potential of Province at Dubai Expo 2020

The Government of Punjab has been successful in garnering the interest of foreign investors at Dubai Expo 2020 by showing the investment potential of Punjab in tourism, technology, and sustainable urban development.

At the Expo, Lahore Central Business District Development Authority (LCBDDA) also known as Central Business District Punjab (CBD Punjab) showcased its various projects at Pakistan Pavilion.

Inaugurated in October this year, Dubai Expo 2020 is offering countries a host of opportunities to present to the global audience their true potentials.

In this ongoing month, Pakistan Pavilion remained a hosting ground for multiple seminars and events that presented to the world the true potential of the CBD Punjab for potential foreign investors.

Punjab International Business Conference organized in Dubai International Financial City primarily remained focused on Punjab’s economic potential and the plethora of investment opportunities it has in store for the world. The interest shown by the audience in the said conference speaks volumes of Punjab’s promising economic future.

Minister for Industry and Commerce, Mian Aslam Iqbal, Minister for Higher Education Department and IT, Raja Yasir Humayun, Finance Minister Punjab, Hashim Jawan Bakht, Advisor to Chief Minister on Tourism, Asif Mehmood, and CEO CBD, Imran Amin, were among the attendants at the conference.

CBD Punjab is a government’s flagship real estate project which is promoting smart, clean and green, self-sustaining housing and business activities across the country. It is an eco-friendly, urban regeneration project based on vertical principles. Through smart infrastructure and walkable urbanism, CBD Punjab would enhance the characteristics of a city and will play a pivotal role in economic growth by attracting people looking for business and jobs opportunities.

The CBD Punjab provides extraordinary business opportunities while offering effective, living, working and playing spaces with high-quality modern urban design. With vertical building construction, both the CBD and Ravi City projects would fulfill the dire need for accommodation of the exponentially growing city while also controlling the unplanned growth of the humongous yet populous city Lahore.

It is a fact that cities play an immensely important role in the economy where people, especially smart thinkers, aspire to develop. Pakistan’s urban population makes 37% of the total population whose contribution is over 60% to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). With the increase in economic growth, this contribution is likely to increase manifold.

Urban groups carry new opportunities in the presence of business hubs, central business districts, and commercial facilities. Being an area with high economic activity, CBD Punjab provides a sustainable ecosystem and infrastructure with the potential to extend huge earning prospects to the public.

Being an engine of economic growth for the province, it offers state-of-the-art business-friendly infrastructure and world-class investment opportunities. At 165% more than the reserve price, an 8-acre plot of this project has already been sold at a whopping price of Rs. 22 billion which shows how lucrative an investment opportunity it is. Besides an additional revenue of Rs. 450 billion for the government, the CBD Punjab is estimated to generate economic activity of Rs. 1,000-1,500 billion.

At the Punjab International Business Conference, CEO CBD Punjab, Imran Amin, briefed the audience on CBD’s immense economic potential and the steps being taken by the incumbent government for ensuring sustainable growth and attracting heavy foreign investments. He also signed two MoUs with multinational organizations.

Chief Business Officer Jazz, Ali Naseer, signed the MoU with CBD Punjab CEO, Amir Amin. CBD Punjab and VEON group’s subsidiary, Jazz partnered to attain IoT and Digital ICT infrastructure that will help city automation, cloud hosting, smart city context, data centers, and much more.

Smart City initiatives are enabled by the new Internet of Things (IoT) applications globally.

With its enormous potential, IoT enables remote monitoring, managing, and controlling devices. This application will offer various opportunities to CBD to make the most of data in managing traffic, cutting on pollution, making efficient use of infrastructure, and keeping the environment clean and safe.

At the conference, CBD Punjab also partnered with Malaysian Green Tech and Climate Change Center (MGTC). Chief Operating Officer MGTC, Syed Ahmed Syed Mustafa, signed the MoU with CBD Punjab CEO. In line with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s broader vision of sustainable and eco-friendly development, Malaysian Green Tech will provide assistance and guidance to CBD Punjab for creating a sustainable living and workspace as per the signed agreement. A space that curtails environmental impacts and integrates eco-friendly components for creating a harmonizing experience for all and sundry.




Source: Pro Pakistani