A tragic incident was reported in Bhara Kahu, Islamabad on Sunday when a 9-year-old girl named Adan, a student at a local primary school and the daughter of Haider, was raped and then brutally killed by having her head crushed.
The perpetrator has been identified as Hamza and the police have registered a case against him and are searching for him.
The Standing Committee for Human Rights of the National Assembly has taken notice of this heinous crime. The Chairperson of the Committee Dr. Mahreen Razzaq Bhutto has instructed law enforcement agencies to investigate the incident and submit a report.
Dr. Bhutto emphasized that this brutal killing, following the rape of a young girl, is a gross violation of human rights and deserves strong condemnation. She called for those responsible to be brought to justice and urged the media and civil society to take an active role in preventing such crimes. She expressed her condolences to the family of the victim and assured them that justice would be served.
Source: Pro Pakistani