K-Electric has demanded the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) endorse an increase of Rs. 3.406 per unit in the rate of electricity in lieu of monthly fuel cost adjustment (FCA) for January 2022.
In two separate petitions submitted to NEPRA, the KE has sought the increase on account of monthly FCA. Nonetheless, under quarterly adjustments, KE has demanded a decrease of 30 paisas.
In case NEPRA accedes to the demand for the monthly increase, KE will collect a total of Rs. 3.727 billion from its consumers in their monthly power bill of April 2022.
Similarly, KE has also requested the power regulator that the company may pay back Rs. 0.302/unit under quarterly adjustments to its consumers for the second quarter (October 2021-December 2021).
To this effect, KE has submitted a petition to NEPRA that it will hold a public hearing on March 1, 2022. The regulator will discuss if the monthly and quarterly fuel price variation is justified and the company has followed the economic merit order (EMO) while giving dispatch to its power plants and power purchases from external sources.
It is to be noted that for December 2021, NEPRA notified about Rs. 2.60/unit relief to consumers of KE on account of lower fuel cost. It approved a negative FCA of Rs. 2.5953/kWh for December 2021, with an impact of Rs. 3.038 billion to be passed on in the bills of March.
Source: Pro Pakistani