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PM calls upon all stakeholders to unite in their efforts to end malaria

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has called upon all partners, organizations, healthcare professionals, and individuals to unite in their efforts to end malaria.

In his message on the occasion of World Malaria Day, he emphasized collaborative efforts to strengthen healthcare systems, increase access to quality diagnosis and treatment, and raise awareness about the importance of prevention and control measures of malaria.

The Prime Minister said the common goal of a world free of malaria can be achieved through vigorous political commitment and adequate investment mix of strategies.

Shehbaz Sharif said the research and academic institutions need to flag scientific advances to both experts and the general public, international partners, companies and foundations to showcase their efforts and reflect on how to further scale up malaria control interventions.

Shehbaz Sharif said the Ministry of National Health Services and Coordination through Common Management Unit Malaria, National and international partners, p
rovincial counterparts, NGOs and private stakeholders has significantly enhanced the free malaria testing and treatment facilities in the malaria endemic districts across the country.

He said despite the country’s achievements in Malaria control, sustaining the gains still remains a challenge. He said everyone must have access to quality assured malaria testing and treatment facilities, free of cost, at their door steps.

Source: Radio Pakistan