قدیم چینی ساحلی شہر لنہائی نے ثقافتی کارڈز کے ساتھ سیاحت کے نئے عروج کو قبول کرلیا

لنہائی، چین، 11 فروری 2022 /ژن ہوا-ایشیانیٹ/-” چینی نئے سال میں اکٹھے ہونے کے لئے اسنیک مائیوزی رول ناگزیر ہے۔ یہ دارالحکومت تائیژو میں رہنے والے لوگوں کی ثقافتی یاد ہے،” مشرقی چین کے صوبہ ژجیانگ کے قدیم ساحلی شہر لنہائی کے مقامی روایتی اسنیکس کے نمائندہ وارث جِن ینگچون نے وانگ کی سابقہ رہائش گاہ پر موسم بہار کے تہوار کے موقع پر آٹا پھیلاتے ہوئے کئی موبائل فونز کے پیچھے موجود سامعین کو اس روایتی اسنیک کے پیچھے کی کہانی بتائی۔

تائیژو قدیم شہر کی جنوبی عظیم دیوار پر کھِلتا ہوا آلو بخارہ

لنہائی کو چین کا مشہور تاریخی اور ثقافتی شہر، چین کا بہترین سیاحتی شہر، چین کا رہائش کے قابل شہر، دریائے یانگتزی ڈیلٹا ہائی اسپیڈ ریل سیاحتی شہر کا پہلا بیچ (batch) کے طور پر جانا جاتا ہے۔ لنہائی شہر کے محکمہ تشہیر کے مطابق حالیہ برسوں میں جنوب مشرقی چین کے ساحلی شہر لنہائی کو قدیم شہر کے تحفظ کے لیے وقف کیا گیا ہے اور اس نے بہت سے اعزازات حاصل کیے ہیں۔ آج ایک ہزار سال سے زیادہ کی تاریخ کا قدیم شہر ثقافت اور سیاحت کی مربوط ترقی کی جانب گامزن ہوکر، زندہ دلی سے جھوم رہا ہے۔

لنہائی، تائیژو کا دارالحکومت تھا جبکہ زیانگ اسٹریٹ، لنہائی کی سب سے قدیم گلی ہے۔ زیانگ اسٹریٹ، جو قدیم شہر سے گزرتی ہے، تین سلطنعتوں کے دور میں تعمیر کی گئی تھی اور اس کی تاریخ تقریبا 1700 سال پرانی ہے۔ یہ چین میں ایک محفوظ تاریخی گلی ہے اور قدیم ساحلی شہر کی علامت ہے۔

دو مقامی لوگ زیانگ اسٹریٹ میں ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ گپ شپ کر رہے ہیں۔

روایتی دستکاری جیسے کاغذ کاٹنا اور بانس کی بنُی ہوئی چیزیں، اس گلی میں مل سکتی ہیں۔ جب رات ہوتی ہے تو اسٹریٹ لائٹس روشن ہوجاتی ہیں اور سیاحوں کو دیواروں کے درمیان، اسنیک بارز اور کتابوں کی دکانوں کے ساتھ چلتے ہوئے دیکھا جاسکتا ہے۔ تاریخی عناصر سے بھرا ہوا ہونے کے باوجود یہ تازہ جدید تجارتی سرگرمیوں سے بھی مالا مال ہے۔ اس طرح زیانگ اسٹریٹ کو چین کی چند “زندہ” پرانی گلیوں میں سے ایک بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔

زیانگ اسٹریٹ لنہائی میں علاقائی سیاحت کو فروغ دینے کے لئے علامتی نمائندہ میں سے ایک ہے۔ حالیہ برسوں میں، لنہائی میں کئی مقامات پر سیاحتی مقامات کھل رہے ہیں۔ نہ صرف تائیژو دارالحکومت ثقافتی سیاحت زون کے برانڈ کا اثر نمایاں ہے بلکہ کووکانگشان پارک، یونگ کوان سویٹنس ٹاؤن، یُوکسی اسپورٹس ٹاؤن، ہیتو ینگ ین شن ٹی کلچرل پارک اور بائی شوئی یانگ انجی ماؤنٹین پیراگلائیڈنگ بیس جیسے خوبصورت مقامات کی اپ گریڈنگ بھی لنہائی کی علاقائی سیاحت کی ترقی میں مسلسل حصہ ڈال رہی ہے۔

اس کے ساتھ ساتھ لنہائی “غیر محسوس ثقافتی ورثہ + سیاحت” کے برانڈ کی تعمیر کو مزید موثر کرتا ہے اور خوبصورت مقامات میں غیر محسوس ثقافتی ورثہ کے غیر معمولی منصوبوں کو متعارف کراتا ہے۔ اب تک لنہائی نے 10 سو سال سے زائد پرانی دکانیں اور 60 سے زائد روایتی دکانیں بحال کی ہیں اور یکے بعد دیگرے 15 نجی عجائب گھر اور 12 غیر محسوس ثقافتی ورثہ تھیم نمائش ہال تعمیر کیے ہیں۔ ہوانگشا لائن، لنہائی لوک گیت اور کیو جیاجون فوج کے گشت کے دورے جیسی پرفارمنس وقتا فوقتا پیش کی جاتی ہیں تاکہ غیر محسوس ثقافتی ورثے کے فروغ سے لنہائی کی ثقافتی سیاحت میں جان پڑ جائے اور چین کی عمدہ روایتی ثقافت نظر آئے، قابل سماعت، قابل رسائی اور واضح ہو۔

خوبصورت مناظر کے علاوہ زائرین لنہائی میں لذیذ کھانوں سے بھی لطف اندوز ہو سکتے ہیں۔ لنہائی میں 141 قسم کے اسنیکس ہیں جیسے انڈے کی سفید بھیڑ کی دم، مائیوژی رول اور میکسیا نوڈلز۔ 2021 کے لئے منفرد لذیذ پکوانوں کے ساتھ سرفہرست 100 چینی کاؤنٹیوں اور شہروں میں لنہائی چین میں آٹھویں اور صوبہ ژجیانگ میں پہلے نمبر پر ہے جس نے شہر کو کھانے پینے کے شوقین لوگوں کےلئے پسندیدہ منزل بنادیا ہے۔

انڈے کی سفید بھیڑ کی دم، 1400 سال سے زیادہ کی تاریخ کے ساتھ ایک مشہور ڈش کے طور پر اور ایک بار سرکاری ضیافتوں میں پیش کی جاتی تھی، بلاشبہ یہ لنہائی کھانوں میں سب سے مقبول پکوان ہے. انڈے کی سفیدی کو اندر بین پیسٹ سے لپیٹ دیا جاتا ہے جو نرم اور میٹھا ہوتا ہے؛ مائیوژی رول موسم بہار کے رولز کی طرح ایک قسم کا کھانا ہے۔ مائیوژی رول کو بھرنے کے لئے 20 قسم کے سائیڈ ڈشز ہیں، جن میں سے ہر ایک کھانے کے لئے لنہائی لوگوں کی فطری محبت اور تخیل کی واضح ترجمانی کرتی ہے۔ صاف اور مزیدار سوپ کے ساتھ نرم، گلوٹین اور مزیدار بین نوڈلز لنہائی کھانوں میں مختلف ہیں۔ مٹھی بھر سرسوں اور مٹھی بھر اسکیلین ٹکڑے کے ساتھ، یہ بہت سے لنہائی لوگوں کے لئے ایک ناقابل فراموش اسٹریٹ فوڈ ہے۔

لنہائی میونسپل بیورو آف کلچر، ٹورازم اینڈ اسپورٹس کے ڈائریکٹر وانگ رونگجی نے بتایا کہ اس سال لنہائی میں موسم بہار کا میلہ منانے والے لوگوں خصوصا بچوں اور بوڑھوں کی ثقافتی ضروریات کو پورا کرنے کے لئے متعدد ٹارگٹڈ اور دلچسپ ثقافتی سرگرمیوں کا اہتمام کیا گیا اور 80 فیصد سرگرمیاں آن لائن منعقد کی گئیں تاکہ ہر کوئی اپنی گھریلو  بیماری (homesickness) کو کم کرسکے اور ڈیجیٹل فیسٹیول کا غیر معمولی تجربہ حاصل کرسکے۔

ماخذ: لنہائی شہر کا محکمہ تشہیر

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Ancient Chinese coastal city Linhai embraces new tourism boom with cultural cards

LINHAI, China, Feb. 11, 2022 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/–“The snack Maiyouzhi roll is indispensable for getting together in the Chinese New Year. It is the cultural memory of people living in the capital city of Taizhou,” Jin Yingchun, the representative inheritor of the local traditional snacks the ancient coastal city of Linhai in east China’s Zhejiang Province, introduced the story behind this traditional snack to audiences behind several mobile phones while spreading a dough on the eve of the Spring Festival at Wang’s former residence.

Blossoming plum at the south Great Wall of Taizhou ancient city

Linhai is known as China’s famous historical and cultural city, China’s excellent tourism city, China’s livable city, the first batch of Yangtze River Delta high-speed rail tourism city. According to the Publicity Department of Linhai City, in recent years, Linhai, a coastal city in southeast China, has been dedicated to the protection of the ancient city and won many recognitions. Today, the ancient city with a history of over 1,000 years is beaming with vitality by riding the wave of integrated development of culture and tourism.

Two locals are chatting with each other in Ziyang Street.

Linhai was the capital city of Taizhou while Ziyang Street is the top ancient street in Linhai. Ziyang Street, which runs through the ancient city, was built in the Three Kingdoms period and has a history of about 1,700 years. It is a well-preserved historical street in China and the epitome of the ancient coastal city. Traditional handicrafts such as paper-cutting and bamboo weaving could be found in the street. When night falls, street lights light up, and tourists can be seen walking between the walls, beside snack bars and bookstores. While loaded with historical elements, it is also rich in fresh modern commercial activities. Ziyang Street is thus also known as one of the few “living” old streets in China.

Ziyang Street is just one of the representative signatures for developing regional tourism in Linhai. In recent years, tourist destinations are blossoming in many places in Linhai. Not only the brand effect of Taizhou capital city cultural tourism zone is prominent, but also the upgrading of scenic spots such as Kuocangshan Park, Yongquan Sweetness Town, Youxi Sports Town, Hetou Yangyanshan Tea Cultural Park and Baishuiyang Anji Mountain Paragliding Base are constantly contributing to the development of Linhai’s regional tourism.

At the same time, Linhai also deepens the building of the brand of “intangible cultural heritage + tourism” and introduces outstanding intangible cultural heritage projects into scenic spots. Up to now, Linhai has restored more than 10 hundred-year-old shops and more than 60 traditional shops, and successively built 15 private museums and 12 intangible cultural heritage theme exhibition halls. Performances such as Huangsha Lion, Linhai folk songs and Qi Jiajun army patrol tour are staged from time to time, so that the promotion of intangible cultural heritage will add vitality to the cultural tourism of Linhai and make China’s fine traditional culture visible, audible, accessible and palpable.

In addition to the beautiful scenery, visitors can also enjoy a string of delicacies in Linhai. There are as many as 141 kinds of snacks in Linhai such as egg white sheep tail, Maiyouzhi roll and Maixia noodles. Among the top 100 Chinese counties and cities with unique delicacies for 2021, Linhai ranked eighth in China and first in Zhejiang Province, making the city a desirable destination for foodies.

Egg white sheep tail, as a famous dish with a history of more than 1,400 years and once served at state banquets, is undoubtedly the most popular dish in Linhai cuisine. Egg white is wrapped with bean paste inside, which is soft and sweet; Maiyouzhi roll is a kind of food similar to spring rolls. There are as many as 20 kinds of side dishes to choose to fill in the Maiyouzhi roll, each of which vividly interprets the innate love and imagination of Linhai people for food. The soft, glutinous and delicious bean noodles with clear and delicious soup are distinct in Linhai cuisine. With a handful of pickled mustard and a handful of scallion shreds, it is an unforgettable street food for many Linhai people.

Wang Rongjie, director of Linhai Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, said that this year Linhai organized a series of targeted and interesting cultural activities to meet the cultural needs of the people celebrating the Spring Festival in Linhai, especially children and the elderly, and 80 percent of the activities were held online so that everyone can ease their homesickness and get an extraordinary digital festival experience.

Source: The Publicity Department of Linhai City

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These 5 Under-19 Players Can Become Superstars for Pakistan

Under-19 cricket serves as a springboard for emerging cricketers, providing them the platform to showcase their skills. Either it is the current Pakistan captain, Babar Azam or former skipper, Sarfaraz Ahmad, Under-19 World Cup was the stage where they announced their entry into the world of cricket.

Not diving deep into the history, U-19 Cricket World Cup 2018 introduced a 17-year-old tall fast bowler, stunning the entire cricket fraternity. He is today known as the world’s most lethal pacer, Shaheen Shah Afridi.

With Pakistan ending at the fifth position in U-19 Cricket World Cup 2022, here is list of top five potential stars of the coming years:

1. Qasim Akram

First on the list of upcoming cricketers is the current captain of Pakistan U-19, Qasim Akram. 19-year-old all-rounder led Pakistan in the U-19 Asia Cup and U-19 Cricket World Cup 2022.

The right arm off-spinner was also a part of Pakistan’s squad for the previous World Cup. However, it was in the last match against Sri Lanka when Qasim Akram displayed his absolute class helping Pakistan secure the fifth spot in U-19 World Cup 2022.

Proving himself a true all-rounder, the skipper picked up a five-wicket haul and blazed away an undefeated century off 80 balls. It was for the first time in last 45 years that an all-rounder had achieved the feat in Youth ODIs.

Acknowledging his potential, PCB nominated Qasim Akram among the emerging players of the year 2020. The young star has been signed up by Karachi Kings for the ongoing seventh edition of Pakistan Super League.

2. Zeeshan Zameer

The star of Indo-Pak contest, Zeeshan Zameer is making progress in his career quickly just like his bowling. The right arm pacer is an asset for Pakistan cricket with his sensible approach towards fiery form of bowling.

Shedding light at his U-19 career, the young fast bowler has so far played 8 Youth ODIs. Featuring in recent Asia Cup and World Cup, Zeeshan Zameer has bagged 16 wickets at a decent economy of 4.60. 19-year-old has performed consistently, but he rose to fame with his 5 wickets against archrivals India in the recent Asia Cup.

Soon after his five-wicket haul, Zeeshan Zameer bagged 4 wickets for only 32 runs against Sri Lanka. The rising star ended the Asia Cup campaign with 11 wickets in 3 matches as Pakistan lost to Sri Lanka in the semi-finals.

Emerging pacer also starred in T10 League for Deccan Gladiators. For PSL 2022, Islamabad United have roped in the 19-year-old cricketer and he has already joined the squad.

3. Awais Ali

Awais Ali is another gem from Pakistan’s U-19 bowling attack. The 16-year-old fast bowler from Gujranwala, donning the green jersey in Asia Cup and World Cup, took wickets in almost every contest, against every opposition.

However, his top performance came in the U-19 World Cup 2022, as he destroyed the Zimbabwean batting line-up with a six-wicket haul. With this, he became only third Pakistani bowler to take 6 wickets in an under-19 World Cup match, following Shaheen Shah Afridi and Adil Raza.

ICC included Awais Ali in the Team of the Tournament for the U-19 World Cup, owing to his consistent performance throughout the mega-event.

In 9 Youth ODIs Awais Ali has played, he has taken 21 wickets at an incredible average of 15.04. The 16-year-old has a couple of years left to excel at the junior level of cricket.

4. Haseebullah Khan

Guiding the Pakistan batting line-up is left-handed batsman, Haseebullah Khan. Coming from Pishin, the 17-year-old batter ruled the recent U-19 World Cup with his bat as he averaged 76.

Haseebullah has starred in 9 ODIs, smashing 394 runs at a remarkable average of nearly 50. In his 6 World Cup appearances, he smashed two centuries including 135 runs against Zimbabwe and 136 runs against Sri Lanka. His magnificent century against Sri Lanka helped Pakistan secure the fifth spot in the U-19 World Cup 2022.

Talented left-hander also keeps wickets for Pakistan U-19 and seems promising behind the stumps too. In 9 matches, Haseebullah has got 14 catches and a couple of stumpings. The 17-year-old seems to hold a bright future as he is excelling at his craft day by day.

Seeing his outstanding performance, ICC named Haseebullah in its Team of the Tournament as for U-19 World Cup 2022 as an opener.

5. Faisal Akram

The current U-19 squad features a rare talent in the face of Faisal Akram. 18-year-old is a left-arm wrist-spinner, the type scarcely found. Faisal Akram gained attention when he took 27 wickets in only 10 matches of the National U-19 One Day Cup last year.

Knowing the unique skills possessed by the young star, the selectors called him to bowl in the nets so that the senior batsmen could get used to the bowling style of South African leg-spinner Tabraiz Shamsi. During the practice session, the young spinner deceived the number one ODI batsman Babar Azam to get him out. In the recent domestic season, Faisal Akram caught another big fish, the most in-form batsman, Muhammad Rizwan.

Faisal Akram has trained under legendary spinner Mushtaq Ahmad to polish his skills when the young wrist spinner was signed up by Multan Sultans as an emerging cricketer. Faisal Akram also appeared in the recent U-19 World Cup and he surely is developing as a future star for Team Pakistan.

These are the top five cricketers to watch in the coming years as they hold the potential to shine as the next superstars of world cricket.

Source: Pro Pakistani

Today’s PSL Schedule – Feb 11th, 2022: Lahore Eye 2nd Spot on PSL Points Table

Follow the updated PSL 2022 schedule here.

Lahore Qalandars have their eyes set on the second spot in the points table as they take on invincible Multan Sultans in the 17th match of Pakistan Super League (PSL) season seven on Friday.

With three wins from five games, Lahore are already placed third on the points table. A win against Sultans – the only undefeated side in the tournament – would lift them to the second spot.

On the other hand, relentless Multan Sultans have been doing nothing wrong. With every game, they are becoming a side-to-beat for other franchises. The way they brushed aside Peshawar Zalmi by 42 runs on Thursday, made them look even more formidable.

However, it is to be noted that Lahore were the only side that scored 200+ runs against Sultans bowling lineup in Karachi. With action shifted to Lahore, the conditions would be conducive for the home team.

Source: Pro Pakistani

Dr Yasmin terms Qaumi Sehat Card Program biggest package of country’s history

Punjab Minister for Health Dr Yasmin Rashid says Prime Minster Imran Khan has given biggest package of country’s history to the people of Punjab by providing them Naya Pakistan Qaumi Sehat Card.

Addressing a meeting in Lahore on Friday, she said maximum hospitals are being included in the panel to provide ease to the families holding Naya Pakistan Qaumi Sehat Card in Punjab.

She said a state-of-the-art media strategy unit is also being set up in the Department of Primary and Secondary Healthcare to educate the public about health facilities and address their grievances.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Engro Fertilizer Reports its Highest-Ever Profit During 2021

Engro Fertilizers Limited has announced its financial results for the year that ended on 31 December 2021.

According to the notification filed to the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), the company has booked its highest ever profit of Rs. 21.1 billion, increasing by 16.40 percent as compared with a profit of Rs. 18.13 billion earned in 2020.

Along with the results, the company also announced a final cash dividend of Rs. 5 per share, which is in addition to the interim dividends already paid at Rs. 11.50, cumulating into a full-year dividend of Rs. 16.5/sh, which is the highest ever dividend in history.

The rise in profits was due to higher urea offtake and lower finance costs.

During the year, the net sales of the company increased by 25 percent to Rs. 132.36 billion, as compared to Rs. 105.84 billion. The margins of the company went up to 33 percent from 32 percent during CY20 despite the higher gas rate charges.

The company showed an increase of 7ppts at the gross level in 4QCY21 on a QoQ basis mainly due to a one-off impact of around Rs. 1.7 billion of lower depreciation owing to a change in useful life assessment.

The management apprised that the company ran its Enven plant at full capacity during the last quarter compared to last quarter, where the Enven plant was shut due to maintenance, this helped achieve gas efficiencies.

The gross profits were increased to Rs. 44.07 billion, as compared to Rs. 34.25 billion due to higher sales in 2021. The other income of the company increased to Rs. 1.79 billion in 2021 as compared to Rs. 1.66 billion.

The finance cost came down by 50.50 percent to Rs. 1.60 billion from Rs. 3.23 billion.

The earnings per share of the company were reported at Rs. 15.80 as compared to Rs. 13.58.

Source: Pro Pakistani

PTI Govt Has Approved 70,000 Housing Projects Worth Rs. 1.4 Trillion: PM

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that over 70,000 housing projects worth Rs. 1.4 trillion have been approved by the incumbent government which will have an overall impact of Rs. 7.3 trillion on the construction industry and create 1.2 million jobs.

The premier made these remarks while chairing a meeting of the National Coordination Committee (NCC) on Housing, Construction, and Development in Islamabad. The meeting was briefed that for the very first time in the history of Pakistan a sustainable ecosystem for low-cost housing has been developed and implemented which has enabled the sector to achieve exponential growth.

The premier said that it is his government’s huge achievement that out of the total 80,000 applications, 35,420 applications amounting to Rs. 130 billion have been approved and a total of Rs. 46 billion has been disbursed to 13,407 applicants so far.

The prime minister said that applications worth Rs. 7 billion are being received weekly out of which Rs. 4 billion are approved and Rs 2 billion are being disbursed every week which shows that the devised system is working efficiently.

He said that the government’s biggest challenge is to change the elitist mindset of financial institutions and ensure the facilitation of common people in getting loans. He added that under the loan scheme, on average, a loan worth Rs. 3.6 million is approved and disbursed. The statistics show that the biggest beneficiary of subsidized loans are the middle and lower-income classes, he said further.

The premier said that in the last three years of the government, there has been a 148 percent increase in housing finance and the expected approval of Rs. 517 billion till December 2022 reflects the steps taken by the government to facilitate the low-cost housing and the construction industry.

The meeting was briefed that the foreclosure law has been implemented in letter and spirit and long-term loans (up to 20 years) with subsidized markup (as low as only 2 percent) are being given. In addition to that, a cost subsidy of Rs. 300,000 for low-income housing schemes and a 90 percent tax waiver have resulted in encouraging the private sector, which is actively participating in the construction of housing units under the schemes. The projects include urban, peri-urban, urban regeneration, government-funded and private sector projects.

The meeting was also briefed about the transparent and automated process to receive and process the applications which has resulted in targeting the needful lower and middle-income classes. This is being ensured by the development of one window digital portal with an automated applicant tracking system by development authorities.

The meeting was also briefed on figures regarding the total low-cost housing construction activity since 2018. According to figures, a total of 161,924 low-cost housing units were approved, out of which 45,191 units are under construction and 20,898 units have been completed. Before the subsidies, foreclosure law and low-cost housing schemes by the current government, the sector was in shambles.

A breakup of the government-financed low-cost housing projects was also given according to which 4000 units in Farash Town, 4000 units in LDA City, 1320 units in Jalozai, 245 units in Raiwind, 324 units in Sargodha and Chiniot, and 1800 units at Angoori road are being constructed with completion deadlines before the end of 2022.

The meeting was also told that a total of 2507 projects worth Rs. 627 billion have been registered on the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) portal under Fixed Tax Regime with an impact of Rs. 3.135 trillion on the economy.

The premier directed to complete the projects in the defined timelines and emphasized taking steps to improve and ease the process for low-cost housing projects.

The meeting was attended by federal ministers Shaukat Tarin and Fawad Chaudhary, Minister of State Farrukh Habib, SAPM Dr Shehbaz Gill, Governor State Bank, Chairman NAPHDA Lt. Gen Anwar Ali Haider (Retd), CEO RUDA Imran Amin, chief secretaries of Punjab and Balochistan and concerned senior officials.

Source: Pro Pakistani

FBR Reduces Sales Tax on All Petroleum Products

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has abolished or reduced the sales tax on all petroleum products from January 16, 2022. It has abolished sales tax on light diesel oil from the said date.

FBR issued on Thursday an SRO.183(i)/2022 to amend S.R.O. 57(I)/2016. According to the notification, the general sales tax (GST) on petrol has been reduced from 2.50 percent to 0.79 percent, showing a decrease of 1.71 percent.

The sales tax on high-speed diesel oil has been reduced from 5.44 percent to 3.17 percent, reflecting a decrease of 2.27 percent. Likewise, the sales tax on Kerosene has been decreased three percent, bringing it down from 8.30 percent to 5.30 percent.

The federal government has also reduced the rate of petroleum levy to absorb the international oil price rise with effect from February 1, 2022.

Notably, the price of petroleum products has peaked at $90 per barrel in the international market — the highest level since 2014 with an increase of 14.5 percent in January over December.

Based on the existing levels of consumption, the estimated revenue loss on account of zero sales tax on petroleum products would be between Rs. 21 billion to Rs. 25 billion in one month, an official of the tax machinery told ProPakistani on condition of anonymity.

The Finance Division had said that the existing GST rate and petroleum levy on various petroleum products were well below the budgeted targets and that the government was bearing the revenue loss of around Rs. 30 billion (fortnightly) from what was budgeted to the current petroleum levy and sales tax rates.

The petroleum levy on petroleum products has also been revised. The rate of petroleum levy on petrol has been reduced from Rs. 17.62 per liter to Rs. 13.92 per liter, on HSD [high speed deisel] from Rs. 17.14 to Rs. 9.30 per liter, on SKO [superior kerosene oil] from Rs. 5.91 to Rs. 1 per liter and on LDO [light deisel oil] from Rs. 7.66 to Rs. 5.50 per liter.

Source: Pro Pakistani