Gordon Brothers Acquires Unused Accommodation Barge Robyn S from Vanguard Shipping Limited for Immediate Sale

London, July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Gordon Brothers, the global advisory, restructuring and investment firm, has acquired the Robyn S accommodation barge from Vanguard Shipping Limited.

The firm is managing the disposition of Robyn S, which is available for immediate sale to the international marine, shipping and offshore markets.

The barge was previously used to transport bridge sections and components during the construction of the Queensferry Crossing over the Firth of Forth. Robyn S was built in 2010 at Nanjing Yonghua Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited to standard North Sea specifications, and the topside was fabricated in 2012 by Consafe to DNV standards. In 2021, Vanguard Shipping Limited acquired a 120-personnel accommodation topside with helideck and combined both units. For additional vessel specifications, please visit www.gordonbrothers.com/robyn-s.

“We’re excited to build on our market-leading disposition and appraisal capabilities in the maritime sector with our acquisition of the Robyn S barge and to continue to support companies in the marine, shipping and offshore industries through strategic change,” said Oliver Veart, Director, Marine & Valuations at Gordon Brothers.

“Gordon Brothers has a proven track record in supporting companies within multiple industries and sectors and has shown an enthusiasm for the Robyn S barge,” said John Sumner, Managing Director of Vanguard Shipping Limited. “We are pleased to partner with them as they have the resources, expertise and market knowledge to sell the vessel and its associated assets.”

Gordon Brothers has established a dedicated marine services and valuations practice that leverages decades of experience buying, selling, operating and valuing assets in the commercial and industrial economy across Australia, Brazil, Canada, the U.K., Europe, Japan and the U.S., and the firm looks forward to developing additional strategic opportunities as it increases activity in the Middle East and Asia Pacific. Gordon Brothers provides clients with advisory services including fleet and vessel renewal analysis, disposition and investment strategies.

About Gordon Brothers
Since 1903, Gordon Brothers (www.gordonbrothers.com) has helped lenders, management teams, advisors and investors move forward through change. The firm brings a powerful combination of expertise and capital to clients, developing customized solutions on an integrated or standalone basis across four services areas: valuations, dispositions, financing and investment. Whether to fuel growth or facilitate strategic consolidation, Gordon Brothers partners with companies in the retail, commercial and industrial sectors to provide maximum liquidity, put assets to their highest and best use and mitigate liabilities. The firm conducts more than $100 billion worth of dispositions and appraisals annually and provides both short- and long-term capital to clients undergoing transformation. Gordon Brothers lends against and invests in brands, real estate, inventory, receivables, machinery, equipment and other assets, both together and individually, to provide clients liquidity solutions beyond its market-leading disposition and appraisal services. The firm is headquartered in Boston, with over 30 offices across five continents.

About Vanguard Shipping Limited
Vanguard Shipping Limited is a British maritime company and sister company of Vanguard Packing Ltd, specialists in the export packing of large components and bespoke consignments operating from numerous locations throughout the U.K. Both companies sit within the Alkron Industrial group.

Lauren Nadeau
Gordon Brothers

‫قوانين الجنسية تميز ضد النساء في دول منطقة الشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا، حسب التقرير الجديد لمنظمة Equality Now

لبنان، بيروت، 7 تموز / يوليو 2022 – كشف تقرير صادر عن منظمة Equality Now أن ربع دول العالم لا تزال لديها قوانين للجنسية تحرم المرأة من حقوق متساوية مع الرجل. يُحظر على النساء نقل جنسيتهن إلى أطفالهن وأزواجهن الأجانب، ويواجهن قيودًا على تغيير جنسيتهن أو الاحتفاظ بها بعد الزواج. والمتضررات/ون هم أكثر عرضة لانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان. المناصرات/ون يدعون الحكومات إلى إلغاء قوانين الجنسية التي تميز على اساس الجنس وضمان المساواة القانونية الكاملة في المواطنة.

يسلط تقرير حالتنا الراهنة: القضاء على التمييز الجنسي في قوانين الجنسية على استمرار التمييز الجنسي في قوانين الجنسية في 49 دولة – تمثل 25٪ من الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة.

17 دولة في المنطقة تحرم النساء من حقوق للجنسية متساوية، وهي: البحرين، إيران، العراق، الأردن، الكويت، لبنان، سلطنة عمان، قطر، السعودية، سوريا، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، اليمن، مصر، ليبيا، المغرب، تونس، السودان.

مقارنةَ بمناطق مختلفة من العالم، فإن منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا لديها أعلى نسبة من البلدان التي لديها قوانين جنسية تميز ضد المرأة.

عالمياً تُمنع النساء في 28 دولة من نقل جنسيتهن إلى أطفالهن إسوة بالرجال. بينما تمنع 46 دولة النساء من نقل الجنسية إلى أزواجهن بشكلٍ يتساوى مع الرجال.

تم إحراز بعض التقدم خلال العقد الماضي، فقد اعلنت بعض الحكومات التزامات هامة في هذا الشأن، ونفذت 19 دولة إصلاحات قانونية جزئية أو كاملة لتحقيق المساواة في قوانين الجنسية. كما فشلت العديد من الحكومات في ترجمة التزامتها وسياساتها الى أفعال، مما يتسبب في معاناة الملايين.

تداعيات قوانين الجنسية التي تميز على اساس الجنس قد تكون خطيرة. قد يواجه الأفراد قيودًا على الحق في الزواج، أو الحصول على شهادة ميلاد لأطفالهن/مما يجعل يتركهن/م عديمي الجنسية.

يمكن أن تقع المرأة في شراك زواج مُؤذٍ عندما تكون جنسيتها أو جنسية طفلها معتمدة على زوجها. ويصبح صعباً على  الأم المطالبة بحضانة أطفالها والوصول إليهم في حال انتهاء زواجها.

لا يحق عادةً للأشخاص الذين ليس لديهن/م جنسية الحصول على خدمات طبية أو تعليمية مُموَّلة من القطاع العام. كما تتقلص فرص حصولهن/م على الوظائف والفرص الاقتصادية والخدمات المالية.

القيود المفروضة على حرية التنقل، وعدم الاهلية للحصول على جواز سفر يجعل السفر للخارج صعبًا. كما يتعرض الكثيرات/ون لصدمة الانفصال القسري، او الخوف من ترحيل افراد العائلة.

تقول أنطونيا كيركلاند، مسؤولة برامج المساواة القانونية والوصول الى العدالة في منظمة Equality Now: “حرمان المرأة من حقوق الجنسية المتساوية مع الرجل هو شكل واضح من أشكال التمييز على أساس الجنس، وهو انتهاك لحقوق الإنسان ويتعارض مع القانون الدولي. ينبغي أن يكون جميع الرجال والنساء قادرات/ين، بشكل متساوٍ، على منح الجنسية إلى أطفالهن/م أينما وُلدوا”.

“تدعو Equality Now جميع الحكومات التي لديها أحكام قانونية للجنسية تميز على أساس الجنس إلى مراجعة وتعديل ومواءمة تشريعاتها بحلول عام 2030 لضمان الاتساق بين القوانين واللوائح ذات الصلة، مع معاملة جميع النساء والرجال بمساواة وإنصاف”.

 للاستفسارات الإعلامية: سحر البشير، مسؤولة الاعلام والتواصل لمنطقة الشرق الاوسط وشمال افريقيا، Equality Now، بريد الكتروني: salbashir@equalitynow.org، هاتف: 0096170996918

تارا كاري، رئيسة قسم الإعلام، Equality Now، بريد إلكتروني: tcarey@equalitynow.org، هاتف: 00447971556340


Nationality laws discriminate against women across the Middle East and North Africa, Reveals New Report by Equality Now

LEBANON, Beirut, July 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A quarter of countries worldwide still have discriminatory nationality laws that deny women the same nationality rights as men, reveals a report by the international human rights organization Equality Now. Women are being prohibited from passing their citizenship onto their children and foreign spouses, and face restrictions on changing or retaining their nationality after marriage. Those affected are at higher risk of a range of human rights violations. Campaigners are calling on governments to dismantle sexist nationality laws and ensure full legal equality in citizenship.

The State We’re In: Ending Sexism in Nationality Laws highlights how sex discriminatory nationality laws remain in 49 countries – accounting for 25% of United Nations member states.

The Middle East and North Africa region has 17 countries that deny women equal nationality rights. These are: Bahrain; Egypt; Iran; Iraq; Jordan; Kuwait; Lebanon; Libya; Morocco; Oman; Qatar; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic; Tunisia; United Arab Emirates; and Yemen.

Comparing different parts of the world, MENA has the highest ratio of countries with nationality laws that discriminate against women.

Globally, women are prevented from passing their nationality onto their children on an equal basis with men in 28 countries. While in 46 countries, women are barred from passing nationality to their spouses on an equal basis.

There has been some progress over the last decade. Significant declarations have been made by various governments and 19 countries have carried out partial or full legal reforms to achieve equality in nationality laws. However, many governments have failed to translate commitments and policy into action, causing suffering to millions.

Harm caused by sexist nationality laws can be grave. Individuals may encounter restrictions on their right to marry or be unable to obtain a birth certificate for their child, rendering their offspring stateless.

A woman can be trapped in an abusive marriage when her or her child’s citizenship is dependent on her spouse, and it can be difficult for a mother to claim child custody or gain access to her children if her marriage ends.

People without citizenship are commonly not entitled to publicly-funded medical services or schooling. Access to jobs, economic opportunities, and financial services is curtailed.

Curbs on freedom of movement and ineligibility for a passport makes traveling abroad difficult. Many are subjected to the trauma of forced separation, or live in fear of family members being deported.

Equality Now’s Antonia Kirkland says: “Denying women equal nationality rights to men is a clear form of discrimination based upon sex, and is a human rights violation that contravenes international law. All women and men should be equally able to pass citizenship onto their spouse, and children wherever born”.

“Equality Now is calling for all governments with sex discriminatory legal provisions on nationality to review, amend and harmonize legislation by 2030 to ensure consistency between relevant laws and regulations, with all women and men treated equally and fairly.”

Media inquiries: Tara Carey, tcarey@equalitynow.org, +447971556340  

A PDF attachment accompanying this release is available at http://ml.globenewswire.com/Resource/Download/12e9be35-c363-4870-b28b-ed9657f568d5

Watchdog Alleges Taliban ‘Summarily’ Executed at Least 100 Suspected Islamic State Members

Taliban security forces in eastern Afghanistan have extrajudicially killed dozens of suspected members and supporters of a local affiliate of the Islamic State terrorist group, according to Human Rights Watch.

The global human rights group has documented the alleged abuses in a report released Thursday, saying they were committed in eastern Nangarhar and Kunar provinces.

“Since the Taliban took power in August 2021, residents of Nangahar and Kunar … have discovered the bodies of more than 100 men dumped in canals and other locations [between August 2021 and April 2022],” the report said.

The two provinces, which border Pakistan, are known for hosting active bases of the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISIS-K), the Afghan affiliate of Islamic State.

Taliban forces in these areas had “carried out abusive search operations” against residents they accused of sheltering or supporting ISIS-K members, according to the report.

During these security actions, including night raids, residents allegedly had been subjected to torture and men detained without legal process or revealing their whereabouts to their families.

“Taliban authorities appear to have given their forces free rein to detain, ‘disappear,’ and kill alleged militants,” said Patricia Gossman, the associate Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

The bodies showed evidence of torture and brutal executions: some had missing limbs, ropes around their necks, or had been beheaded or had slit throats, according to the report.

Chief Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid rejected the report as baseless, saying local authorities had investigated these “rumors” but found not a single body in Nangarhar or other areas.

“The propaganda being spread by some well-known international organizations in this regard is disturbing and unfortunate,” Mujahid wrote on Twitter.

Human Rights Watch said while working with a local partner, it interviewed — mostly in person — 63 people between October 2021 and June 2022 for the report. The watchdog claimed to have found “substantial evidence of summary executions and “enforced disappearances” by Taliban forces of suspected ISIS-K supporters.

In November, a United Nations Security Council meeting on Afghanistan was also informed the Taliban’s campaign against ISIS-K “appears to rely heavily on extra-judicial detentions and killings.”

Afghanistan has experienced a spike in ISIS-K-plotted bombings since the Taliban takeover, particularly targeting Hazara, Shiite and other minority communities in the country. The violence has killed hundreds of people, including security forces.

Taliban authorities have regularly conducted retaliatory raids against ISIS-K hideouts in Kabul and elsewhere in the country. The latest such operation was carried out Wednesday night in the Afghan capital, where Mujahid claimed it killed two ISIS-K militants and arrested several others.

“The ISKP’s numerous atrocities do not justify the Taliban’s horrific response,” HRW’s Gossman said, using a local acronym for the terrorist group. “Taliban forces have repeatedly carried out summary executions and other war crimes against people in their custody and have yet to hold those responsible to account.”

Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan calls for urgent “plan of action” to address poverty, hunger

Pakistan has called for an urgent “plan of action” to grapple with poverty and hunger that have been made more acute by the current geo-political tensions, especially for the peoples facing war and occupation for decades.

Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Munir Akram at an event held at UN Headquarters in New York said the international community must maintain access to food and end supply restrictions, export bans, hoarding, speculation and panic buying of food and fertilizers.

He said supply chains should be kept fully operational, including for processing food and related logistics.

Ambassador Munir Akram also called for moderating food prices, especially for inflation-hit developing countries, through appropriate international, national and market mechanisms.

Source: Radio Pakistan

PM approves financial assistance for rain, flood affectees

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has approved an emergency financial assistance to children and families of flood and rain affectees.

Under this package, the Prime Minister directed to provide assistance of 1 million rupees for each person who died due to floods and rains.

Fifty percent of the death relief will be provided by the federal government and fifty percent by the relevant provincial governments.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Payments to Radio Pakistan’s pensioners begin under PM direction

Under Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s directives, payments to Radio Pakistan’s pensioners have started.

The Prime Minister had directed to make payments to the pensioners of Radio Pakistan before Eid-ul-Azha.

On special directions of Prime Minster Shehbaz Sharif, for this purpose branches of National Bank and Habib Bank will remain open tomorrow (Friday).

Source: Radio Pakistan

Islamabad rejects baseless allegations leveled by Indian Army against Pakistan

Pakistan has out-rightly rejected the Indian Army’s dossier making baseless allegations against Pakistan.

In response to media queries regarding the reported release of a so-called dossier by the Indian Army, FO spokesperson Asim Iftikhar termed it false and fabricated.

In a press release, he said the fact is that in the last few days, numerous instances have been reported where direct links between the BJP and perpetrators of violence in IIOJK, Udaipur and elsewhere have been unearthed.

Asim Iftikhar said Pakistan has regularly shared with the world irrefutable evidence of Indian occupation forces’ gross and widespread violations of human rights abetted by draconian laws in the IIOJK through comprehensive, evidence-based dossiers.

These compilations have extensively documented the truth behind India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan.

He said it is regrettable that India has chosen to present fictional accounts to divert attention from its own failures instead of fulfilling its obligations under international law and ensuring that the people of IIOJK are granted their inalienable right to self-determination in accordance with the relevant UNSC resolutions and as per their wishes.

The spokesperson advised India to carry out introspection with a view to putting its own house in order. The mischievous Indian attempts at masquerading as a victim of terrorism and levelling baseless terrorism-related allegations against Pakistan stand fully exposed.

Source: Radio Pakistan