‫بهدف تحفيز الاستثمار الأجنبي ورفع جاذبية وكفاءة السوق المالية وتعزيز تنافسيتها محلياً ودولياً “هيئة السوق المالية” تعتمد القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية

إعلان (رابط الإعلان)

الثلاثاء 6 مايو 2023م  –  الرياض, المملكة العربية السعودية – اعتمدت هيئة السوق المالية القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة، وتعديل اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها، ليعمل بها ابتداءً من تاريخ نشرها.

وجاء اعتماد تلك القواعد والتعليمات وقائمة المصطلحات، لتطوير الأحكام المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتيسير الاطلاع على الأطر التنظيمية المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية ‌من خلال جمع الأحكام المنظمة لذلك في وثيقة تنظيمية واحدة، بالإضافة إلى تسهيل إجراءات دخول المستثمرين الأجانب للسوق المالية السعودية.

وتم في التعديلات الأخيرة تخفيف متطلبات المستثمرين الأجانب وتخفيف متطلبات الإفصاح والالتزامات المستمرة عليهم لتسهيل دخول المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل في السوق المالية السعودية، ولتقليل الفروقات بين ما هو مفروض على المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل، مقارنة ببقية فئات المستثمرين في السوق المالية السعودية.

هذا بالإضافة إلى تطوير شروط التأهيل الواجب استيفاؤها من المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل للاستثمار في الأسهم المدرجة بالسوق الرئيسية، وإلغاء متطلبات تقديم طلب التأهيل واتفاقية تقييم المستثمر الأجنبي المؤهل، مع الاكتفاء في القواعد المعتمدة بمتطلبات فتح الحساب الاستثماري، وفقاً لتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية الصادرة عن الهيئة، وذلك بهدف التأكيد على واجب مؤسسة السوق المالية في التأكد من كون المستثمر الأجنبي مستوفياً لشروط التأهيل ذات العلاقة.

كما شملت التعديلات تطوير شروط استثمار الأجنبي غير المقيم في الأوراق المالية المدرجة من خلال اتفاقيات المبادلة، بما في ذلك إلغاء الشرط المفروض على مدة الاتفاقية، بالإضافة إلى إلغاء متطَّلب إشعار الهيئة قبل إبرام اتفاقية المبادلة.

كذلك شملت إضافة قناة جديدة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأسهم المدرجة في السوق الرئيسية، وذلك من خلال تمكين الأشخاص الطبيعيين والاعتباريين الأجانب من الاستثمار في الأسهم المدرجة في السوق الرئيسية من خلال المحافظ الاستثمارية المدارة من مؤسسات السوق المالية.

‌وستحل القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية بدءاً من تاريخ العمل بها، محل كل من القواعد المنظمة لاستثمار المؤسسات المالية الأجنبية المؤهلة في الأوراق المالية المدرجة، والتعليمات المنظمة لتملّك المستثمرين الاستراتيجيين الأجانب حصصا استراتيجية في الشركات المدرجة، والدليل الاسترشادي لاستثمار الأجانب غير المقيمين في السوق الموازية.

وينتظر أن تنعكس القواعد المعتمدة على تعزيز سيولة السوق المالية السعودية وتعميقها ورفع جاذبيتها وتعزيز مكانة السوق المالية السعودية على المستوى العالمي، بالإضافة إلى نقل المعارف والخبرات للمؤسسات المالية المحلية والمستثمرين من خلال تعزيز دور المستثمر المؤسسي في السوق المالية السعودية.

وجدير بالذكر أن هيئة السوق المالية قامت في 2018 بإصدار التحديث للقواعد المنظمة لاستثمار المؤسسات المالية الأجنبية المؤهلة في الأوراق المالية المدرجة، وعلى أثر ذلك تضاعفت الأرقام الخاصة بالمستثمرين الأجانب، حيث ارتفع عدد المستثمرين الأجانب بنسبة 179% منذ عام 2018 وحتى عام 2022م، وارتفعت نسبة ملكية المستثمرين الأجانب من إجمالي القيمة السوقية للأسهم الحرة من 3.77% في 2018 إلى 14.21% بنهاية 2022.

ويأتي اعتماد القواعد بعد أن نشرت الهيئة مشروع القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية على المنصة الإلكترونية الموحدة لاستطلاع آراء العموم والجهات الحكومية التابعة للمركز الوطني للتنافسية (منصة استطلاع) وموقع الهيئة الإلكتروني لمدة (30) يوماً تقويمياً لاستطلاع مرئيات العموم حياله.

وتهدف المملكة العربية السعودية إلى أن تكون وجهة استثمارية جاذبة ومحفزة للاستمرار والتوسع ضمن رؤيتها 2030، حيث عملت على إصلاحات هيكلية في الجانب الاقتصادي والمالي أسهمت في رفع معدلات النمو الاقتصادي والحفاظ على الاستقرار والاستدامة المالية، والتي بدورها تجذب الاستثمارات الأجنبية إلى المملكة.

وتسعى الهيئة من خلال خطتها الاستراتيجية إلى جعل السوق المالية السعودية السوق الرئيسية في الشرق الأوسط ومن أهم الأسواق المالية في العالم، وأن تكون سوقاً متقدمةً وجاذبةً للاستثمار المحلي والأجنبي بما يمكّنها من أداء دور محوري في تنمية الاقتصاد وتنويع مصادر دخله بما يتماشى مع رؤية 2030.

ويمكن الاطلاع على القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية، وتعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة، واللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة المعدّلة، وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها المعدّلة، من خلال الروابط الإلكترونية الآتية:

القواعد المنظمة للاستثمار الأجنبي في الأوراق المالية

تعليمات الحسابات الاستثمارية المعدّلة

اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات الخاصة بشركات المساهمة المدرجة المعدّلة

وقائمة المصطلحات المستخدمة في لوائح هيئة السوق المالية وقواعدها المعدّلة

معلومات التواصل: Contact:

هيئة السوق المالية

الإدارة العامة للتواصل وحماية المستثمر






Capital Market Authority

Communication & Investor Protection Division





عن الهيئة:   About CMA:

نشأت السوق المالية في السعودية ببدايات غير رسمية في الخمسينات، واستمر الوضع كذلك إلى أن وضعت الحكومة التنظيمات الأساسية للسوق في الثمانينات. وبموجب “نظام السوق المالية” الصادر بالمرسوم الملكي رقم (م/30) وتاريخ 2/6/1424هـ تأسست هيئة السوق المالية. وهي هيئة حكومية ذات استقلال مالي وإداري وترتبط مباشرة برئيس مجلس الوزراء.

للمزيد من المعلومات عن الهيئة يرجى زيارة موقع الهيئة الرسمي على شبكة الإنترنت: www.cma.org.sa


The Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia unofficially started in the early fifties, and continued to operate successfully, until the government set its basic regulations in the eighties. The current Capital Market Law is promulgated and pursuant to Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H, which formally brought it into existence. The CMA is a government organization applying full financial, legal, and administrative independence, and has direct links with the Prime Minister.

For more information about CMA, please visit the official website: www.cma.org.sa

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3552423

To instigate foreign investment, increase the attractiveness and efficiency of the capital market, and enhance regional and international market competitiveness: The Capital Market Authority Approves the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

CMA approves the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities with the Aim of Investigating Foreign Investment and Raising Attractiveness and Competitiveness of Capital Market

Announcement (Link)

RIYADH, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) approved the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities (the “Rules”), Amendments to the Investment Accounts Instructions, Amendments to the Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies and Amendments to the Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority, which shall be effective as of the date of their publications.

The approval of the Rules, Instructions and Glossary aim to develop the provisions regulating foreign investment in securities, facilitate access to the regulatory frames regulating foreign investment in securities by collecting the regulating provisions in a single regulatory document, as well as facilitating qualified foreign investors’ (QFIs’) entry procedures to invest in the Saudi capital market.

The last Amendments comprised considering facilitating the QFIs’ requirements, facilitating disclosure requirements and continuous obligations to ease Saudi capital market entry with the aim of minimizing the differences between QFIs and other investor categories in the Saudi market.

The Amendments also comprised developing the qualification conditions that must be met by the QFI to invest in the shares listed in the Main Market and removing the requirements on application for qualification and QFI’s assessment agreement. The approved Rules only requiring the QFI to open an investment account in accordance with the Investment Accounts Instructions issued by CMA. This is to ensure the obligation of the capital market institution to make sure that the QFI is meeting all relevant qualification conditions.

Furthermore, the amendments included developing conditions on the investment of the non-resident foreign investors in listed securities through Swap Agreements, including removing the requirement on the duration of such swap agreements, as well as removing the requirement to notify the CMA prior to entering into a Swap Agreement.

The Amendments also included adding a new channel for foreign investment in securities listed on the main market by enabling all foreign natural and legal persons to invest in securities listed on the main market through discretionary portfolios management by Capital Market Institutions.

As of its effective date, the Rules shall replace the Rules for Qualified Foreign Financial Institutions Investment in Listed Securities, Instructions for the Foreign Strategic Investors’ Ownership in Listed Companies and the Guidance Note for the Investment of Non-Resident Foreigners in the Parallel Market.

The approval of these rules is expected to have a positive impact on boosting liquidity in the Saudi market, deepening and raising its attractiveness, and enhancing its global status. The rules will also contribute to the transformation of knowledge and experiences in local capital institutions and investors, thereby enhancing the role played by institutional investors in the Saudi capital market.

It is worth noting that the CMA issued the updated edition of the Rules in 2018, which resulted in a 179% increase in the number of QFIs from 2018 to 2022 . In addition, the foreign investors’ ownership ratio of the free float total market value increased from 3.77% in 2018 to 14.21% by the end of 2022.

The approval of the Rules came after CMA has published the Draft Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities on the Unified Electronic Platform for Consulting the Public and Government Entities (Public Consultation Platform) affiliated with the National Competitiveness Center (NCC), and the CMA’s website for public consultation for a period of (30) calendar days.

Within its Vision 2030, the Kingdom aims to be an attractive and instigating investment destination to continue expanding, as it has developed structural reforms in the financial and economic aspects that have contributed to raising economic growth rates and maintaining financial stability and sustainability, which in turn, helps in attracting foreign investments.

Through its strategic plan; the CMA seeks to position the Saudi capital market as main market in the Middle East and one of the leaders financial markets in the world, and to be an advanced market and attractive to domestic and foreign investment, enabling it to play a pivotal role in developing the economy and diversifying its sources of income in line of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities, the Amended Investment Accounts Instructions, the Amended Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies and the Amended Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority can be viewed via the following links:

The Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities

The Amended Investment Accounts Instructions

The Amended Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies

The Amended Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority

Capital Market Authority
Communication & Investor Protection Division

About CMA:
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) in Saudi Arabia unofficially started in the early fifties, and continued to operate successfully, until the government set its basic regulations in the eighties. The current Capital Market Law is promulgated and pursuant to Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H, which formally brought it into existence. The CMA is a government organization applying full financial, legal, and administrative independence, and has direct links with the Prime Minister.

For more information about CMA, please visit the official website: www.cma.org.sa

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8833372

Scores killed in violence in northeastern Indian state of Manipur

At least 54 people have lost their lives in violence that erupted this week in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, local media reported.

A total of 13,000 people in the state had been rescued and taken to safe shelters, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported on Saturday, citing a defense spokesperson.

The situation is reported to be tense in the state after the violence that broke out on May 3 during protests against the inclusion of the non-tribal Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribes category, which would give them a number of privileges.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers from the army and the Assam Rifles paramilitaries have been deployed in the state to control the situation.

Indian Law Minister Kiren Rijiju in New Delhi on Saturday called the violence that erupted in Manipur “very unfortunate,” adding that the government is taking all necessary steps.

Home Minister Amit Shah also said he is constantly monitoring the situation.

Court ruling

On April 19, a Manipur High Court ruling directed the state government to submit recommendations for the inclusion of the Meitei community in the Scheduled Tribe category, which enraged the state’s tribal population.

If a community is granted Scheduled Tribe status, it is entitled to political representation, reserved seats in schools, and government jobs.

Under existing laws, the Meitei community, which accounts for nearly 60% of the state’s population, is not permitted to settle in hilly areas.

Hundreds of people took part in a May 3 march in Churachandpur to protest the non-tribal Meiteis’ inclusion in Scheduled Tribe status.

The march quickly turned violent and spread to other districts, prompting the state administration to call in the Indian Army to control the situation.

Houses, vehicles, churches and properties were attacked and set ablaze by the mob.

However, the PTI reported that life returned to wary normalcy in Imphal valley on Saturday as shops and markets reopened and cars started moving on the roads.

Most shops and markets in the state capital Imphal and other places opened in the morning with people buying vegetable and other essential commodities even as security forces were deployed in large numbers, reported the agency.

According to a Northeast Frontier Railway spokesperson, on Friday all trains to Manipur were cancelled due to the situation in the state.

Source: TRTworld.com

West Indies’ Tour of Pakistan Likely to Be Rescheduled Due to PSL 9

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) is considering rescheduling the home series against West Indies to make room for the upcoming ninth edition of the Pakistan Super League (PSL).

The move comes after the owners of PSL franchises proposed that the next edition be held in February-March, which would conflict with the bilateral series against the West Indies.

It is pertinent to mention that West Indies is scheduled to visit Pakistan in February-March 2024 for a two-match Test series and a three-match T20I series.

During the governing council meeting, cricket board officials presented the idea of moving the initial phase of PSL to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) due to numerous concerns.

PCB officials stated that security arrangements cost a lot and that renowned cricketers around the world are not ready to visit Pakistan for the league due to security concerns.

However, franchise owners opposed the idea of holding the first few matches in the United Arab Emirates and emphasized the importance of continuing the league at home.

It was also reported that franchise owners expressed their disagreement with the addition of two more teams in the league in the near future, citing the limited player pool.

The cricket board and franchise owners also discussed the revenue made by the eighth edition, the women’s league, and other issues including broadcast rights.

Source: Pro Pakistani

Alibaba to Teach Cloud Computing to University Students in Pakistan

The University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Mardan, has signed an agreement with the Chinese multinational company, Alibaba, to provide cloud computing skills to its students.

As part of the agreement, UET Mardan will have access to Alibaba Cloud’s learning resources, including cloud computing, cloud security, big data, machine learning, and robotics.

The students will also receive free access to cloud resources, courses, and certifications.

The agreement is aimed at enhancing the students’ abilities in cloud computing and preparing them for future opportunities.

The two parties plan to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) soon to recognize the importance of skill development for young people.

The Vice Chancellor of UET Mardan, Prof Dr. Sadiq Ullah, said that this initiative would help the university’s students and researchers access better job opportunities at the international level, and the university plans to establish more collaborations with international universities in the near future to further excel in technological advancements.

Source: Pro Pakistani

Federal Board Finally Takes Notice of Out of Syllabus Question Paper

The Chairman of the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) has taken notice of complaints by candidates regarding the Islamiyat Compulsory (Part-I) question paper for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exam. As a result, a four-member committee has been formed to investigate the matter.

The committee includes the Director (Registration and Sports) FBISE, the Director (Research and Academics) FBISE, the Director of Academics FDE, and a Representative of the National Curriculum Council (NCC).

The committee will examine the questions framed in the paper, alignment with the syllabus and prescribed books, and the contents of textbooks being taught in FDE institutions. The committee will submit its report within a few days.

The Islamiyat Compulsory Part-I paper was held on Thursday, and candidates from educational institutions functioning under the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) complained that the paper was out of the course, and most of the questions were selected from the previous syllabus.

The FBISE has stated that over 137,000 candidates appeared in the Islamiyat Part-I SSC paper, with 112,463 opting for the old syllabus and 24,857 for the new syllabus.

Candidates who opted for the new syllabus have demanded that the Islamiyat Compulsory paper be retaken as most of the questions in Thursday’s paper were chosen from the old syllabus. “We want to retake the paper with the new syllabus, and no lenient marking is acceptable,” some of the candidates said when contacted for their views.

Source: Pro Pakistani

All possible facilities to be provided to Hajj pilgrims: Talha

Minister for Religious Affairs Senator Talha Mahmood has said all possible facilities will be provided to Pakistani pilgrims during this year’s hajj in Saudi Arabia.

Speaking during a visit to Hajji Camp in Islamabad on Saturday, he said the pilgrims will have to take Hajj related training sessions before embarking upon the holy journey to the Kingdom.

He said the pilgrims who will not be in possession of training certificates will not be allowed to travel.

He made it clear that no one will be allowed free Hajj this year. He said last year, a committee was also formed to perform free Hajj.

The Minister warned the Hajj pilgrims that the heat will be more during the Hajj days, therefore, patience and endurance will be required.

The Minister said the quality of medicines for Hajj pilgrims is being improved. He said we are sending medicines for testing, if they do not meet the criteria, the companies will be blacklisted. He categorically said no compromise will be made on the quality of medicines for the Hajj Pilgrims.

During his visit, Minister for Religious Affairs Senator Talha Mehmood met the Hajj pilgrims and offered Zuhr prayer with them.

The Minister of Religious Affairs, while addressing the employees and officers selected from provincial and federal secretariat as assistants, said that they will get a double reward for their prayers along with the service of the pilgrims.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Zero Smartwatches and Shaheen Afridi Have a Common Vision: Start at Zero and Never Stop

In a momentous meeting of two great minds, tech-driven fast fashion brand Zero Lifestyle has announced its collaboration with Shaheen Afridi as the brand ambassador or as they call it – their Z Star. The young cricketing sensation and the brand share a common philosophy and vision, making him the ideal choice to represent the brand.

The meeting between Zero CEO Daniyal Naeem and Shaheen Afridi sparked a conversation that led to a fruitful collaboration, Daniyal CEO Zero commented:

It was fate that brought us together and we foresee this partnership to lead the change we are envisioning for tech in Pakistan.

Shaheen as a choice works for the brand, as it allows them to appeal to a broader audience and promote their vision of a fashion-forward tech-driven future.

The collaboration between Zero and Shaheen Afridi is a significant step towards creating a new generation of tech-driven individuals who are not afraid to push boundaries and challenge the status quo. The brand’s focus on fast fashion wearable tech, especially smartwatches, for the Gen Z market in Pakistan, reflects the changing times, where technology is shaping the future in ways we could never have imagined.

If you’ve missed the website’s launch, check out Zero features and smartwatch prices in Pakistan and get on the trojan horse that’s all set to disrupt the fast fashion industry in Pakistan with amazing tech wearable gadgets.

Zero’s launch event, set to take place on May 6th, promises to be an unforgettable experience that will launch a new era of technology and lifestyle collaboration in Pakistan. With Shaheen Afridi as its brand ambassador, Zero is poised to capture the hearts and minds of Gen Z in Pakistan. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey that will transform the tech industry forever. Watch out for Zero – the brand that is changing the game!

Source: Pro Pakistani