Report on the Sustainability Governance Practices of the 30 Largest Global Banks Comes Up With Interesting Findings

LONDON, Jan. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Morrow Sodali and Nestor Advisors – A Morrow Sodali Company, are pleased to announce the publication of “Governance of sustainability in the largest global banks: A study of the top 30 European and North American banks”.

This Report examines the sustainability governance practices of the 30 largest European and North American banks. In preparing the Report, we reviewed various publicly available documentation and also interviewed representatives from fifteen leading banks, including nine board chairs, other board members and senior executives. Interviewees shed light on different practices, and why banks chose to pursue them. The resulting Report compares the banks across several data points and analyzes these findings against a double index of sustainability and financial performance.

Stilpon Nestor, the Report’s leading author stated, “Sustainability is one of the big issues facing banks and their leadership. Shareholders and various stakeholders, including regulators, expect banks to be proactive in sustainability. On the strategy side, the “greening of the book” is the big challenge, especially in markets with big “brown” sectors. On the risk side, some regulators expect banks to integrate sustainability risk within the core risk management framework and its key categories. They also expect a clear sustainability perspective in the risk appetite framework. In order to deliver in these areas, global banks have reshaped existing governance and organizational arrangements and have developed some new ones. Our Report examines these arrangements and comes up with interesting, sometimes counterintuitive, findings.”

Among these findings, the issue of board skills in relation to sustainability was highlighted. All of the banks we interviewed do not see having sustainability experts on the board as a priority. Their priority is to make their existing board members more cognizant in the sustainability area. In that sense, they emphasize the development of director skills.

How does a board structure itself to address sustainability? In many cases, this is done by setting up a new committee. However, structure often reflects the level of maturity of the issues in a bank. One interesting finding of the Report is that banks further advanced in the “maturity spectrum” have done away with special committees and discuss sustainability as part of the general strategy and risk appetite.

Another key finding relates to the role of management in ensuring all business functions strengthen their capabilities to understand sustainability. This is an issue that touches upon all business areas of a bank, whether it is a corporate, retail or private bank, as well as risk, finance and internal audit functions. That is why most global banks have created senior management committees to oversee this transversal work. The seniority of the members of this committee is key. In 50% of the banks, the CEOs themselves are heading this senior coordinating committee.

Most banks have also included sustainability parameters in their executive remuneration approach. The Report finds that in the best performing ones, sustainability considerations have a relatively significant “weight” among other factors in determining variable compensation.

We hope you find this study insightful, and that the findings will be helpful from the perspective of all stakeholders. Click here to request the Report in full.


Morrow Sodali is a leading provider of strategic advice and shareholder services to corporate clients around the world. The firm provides corporate boards and executives with strategic advice and services relating to corporate governance, ESG, shareholder and bondholder communication and engagement, capital markets intelligence, proxy solicitation, shareholder activism and mergers and acquisitions.

From headquarters in New York and London, and offices and partners in major capital markets, Morrow Sodali serves over 1,000 corporate clients in 80+ countries, including many of the world’s largest multinational corporations. In addition to listed and private companies, its clients include financial institutions, mutual funds, ETFs, stock exchanges and membership associations.

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Nestor Advisors is the specialized board and governance advisory subsidiary of Morrow Sodali. We are a global advisory firm specializing in corporate governance, sustainability and organizational design, and work with the boards and senior management of financial institutions, companies and not-for-profit organizations to improve decision making, organizational structures, controls and incentives.

Fully integrated with Morrow Sodali, the two companies provide the firm’s global client base with a comprehensive suite of advisory services relating to corporate governance, ESG, sustainability and stakeholder engagement.

Our services span a broad spectrum including holistic assessments yielding a significant redesign of a company’s governance system, board evaluations, group governance, board training, risk management, and the development of specific policies and controls. Whatever the scope, our services are always closely tailored to our clients’ needs.

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Elena Cargnello
Corporate Director, Marketing
+44 (0)20 4513 6913

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8732968

‫شركة Corre Energy توسِّع عمليات المشاريع لتشمل أمريكا الشمالية

نيويورك، 17 يناير 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – توفر الحوافز لمشاريع تخزين الطاقة في الولايات المتحدة وكندا فرصة فريدة لتسريع إزالة الكربون من عمليات توليد الطاقة في أمريكا الشمالية.

ولقد قامت شركة Corre Energy B.V. بتوسيع عمليات تطوير مشاريع تخزين الطاقة في الولايات المتحدة وكندا. تم تدشين Corre Energy US Development Company LLC، وهي شركة تابعة لشركة Corre Energy B.V.، رسميًا للحصول على مشاريع تخزين طاقة الهواء المضغوط المخصصة للمرافق في شمال أفريقيا وتطوير تلك المشاريع.

CAES هي تقنية مجربة تجاريًا يمكنها استخدام الطاقة المتجددة لضغط الهواء في الكهوف الملحية تحت الأرض أثناء انخفاض الطلب على الطاقة وانخفاض الأسعار. يتم إطلاق هذه الطاقة لاحقًا إلى الشبكة لزيادة العرض عندما يكون الطلب والأسعار أعلى ، مما يعزز استقرار الشبكة وموثوقيتها وأمانها. عندما يتم تضمين احتراق الهيدروجين الأخضر كجزء من التصميم الفني لمحطة CAES، فإن الكهرباء التي توفرها لها بصمة ذات معدلات كربون صفرية.

تُصنِّف وزارة الطاقة الأمريكية CAES1 باعتبارها تقنية تخزين الطاقة طويل الأجل الأقل تكلفة. إن الطبيعة غير المكلفة نسبيًا للتحوط الفعلي الذي يوفره عملاء Corre Energy يسمح لهم “بإحداث نقلة زمنية” في الطاقة المتغيرة التي ينتجونها مع تعزيز ربحية أصولهم المتجددة. وبهذه الطريقة يمكن لمرافق CAES أن تدعم النشر الأكثر سرعة لأصول التوليد المتجددة عبر أمريكا الشمالية، مما يعمل على تعزيز نزع الكربون من أسطول التوليد.

وفي مقابل السماح لمولدي الطاقة المتجددة بتخزين الطاقة في محطات CAES والتصرف في تلك الطاقة عندما تكون قيمتها في ذروتها، سوف تقوم Corre Energy عادة بفرض رسوم محددة والمشاركة في الإيرادات المرتفعة التي يكسبها عملاؤها، بموجب ما يعرف بمصطلح “اتفاقية شراء الإنتاج”.

وفي معرض هذه المناسبة، قال Keith McGrane، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Corre Energy: “وقعنا الشهر الماضي شروطًا تجارية مُلزمة لاتفاقية مدتها 15 سنة لشراء الإنتاج مع Eneco، وهي مورد رائد للطاقة المتجددة في هولندا، لكامل الطاقة التخزينية الكاملة متعددة الأيام ZW1، وهو مشروعنا البالغة قدرته 320 ميجاوات. تؤكد هذه الاتفاقية جاذبية نموذج أعمالنا وستدعم تطوير محفظة مشاريع في أمريكا الشمالية”. وأضاف McGrane: “بصفتنا رائد السوق لمشاريع تخزين الطاقة طويلة الأجل في أوروبا، نتطلع إلى نقل معارفنا إلى الولايات المتحدة وكندا. سوف توفر عملياتنا في أمريكا الشمالية كذلك فرصًا للمستثمرين الذين يركزون بصفة أساسية على سوق أمريكا الشمالية للمشاركة في تمويل الدين ومتطلبات حقوق الملكية لفرع شركتنا في أمريكا الشمالية ومشاريع CAES الخاصة بها”.

وقد تم تسمية Chet Lyons، وهو رائد في قطاع تخزين الطاقة، رئيسًا لشركة Corre Energy US Development Company LLC. لعب Lyons دورًا هامًا في تطوير مشاريع تخزين الطاقة المعتمدة على التجار وإضفاء الطابع التجاري عليها من أجل تنفيذ الخدمات المساندة لتنظيم الترددات في الولايات المتحدة وكندا، وعلى المستوى العالمي.

وقد علّق Lyons قائلاً: “إن نجاح Corre Energy B.V. في أوروبا والحوافز الحكومية الجديدة التي لا تتكرر في كل جيل لمشاريع تخزين الطاقة طويلة الأجل في كل من الولايات المتحدة وكندا تجعل هذا هو الوقت الأمثل لبناء محفظة مشاريعنا في أمريكا الشمالية”. وأضاف Lyons “إن نقاط ضريبة الاستثمار بواقع 30 إلى 40 بالمائة من إجمالي تكلفة المشاريع ونقاط ضريبة الإنتاج لاستخدام الهيدروجين سيكون لها تأثير مفيد على اقتصاديات المشاريع ويمكن أن تجعل مشاريعنا خالية من الكربون، بما يعمل على تمكيننا من لعب دور رئيسي في نزع الكربون في أعمال توليد الطاقة بأمريكا الشمالية”.

1 آر باكستر وآخرون “تكلفة تقنية تخزين الطاقة الشبكية لعام 2022 وتقييم الأداء”، وزارة الطاقة الأمريكية، منشور التقرير الفني رقم PNNL 33283، أغسطس 2022.

نبذة عن Corre Energy
يقع مقر شركة Corre Energy B.V. في هولندا وهي مدرجة في بورصة النمو يورونكست في دبلن (CORRE). تقوم شركة Corre Energy بتصميم مشاريع تخزين الطاقة طويلة الأجل على مستوى المرافق (LDES) وتطويرها وإنشائها وتشغيلها في أوروبا وتعمل على تطوير مجموعة مشاريع في أمريكا الشمالية. ومن خلال أنشطة تطوير المشاريع، تعمل Corre Energy على التعجيل من الانتقال العالمي إلى مستوى انبعاثات صفري، مع تعزيز أمن أنظمة الطاقة الكبيرة ومرونتها.

وفي أمريكا الشمالية، يتم تنفيذ تطوير المشاريع من خلال شركة Corre Energy US Development Company LLC، الكائن مقرها في بوسطن بولاية ماساشوستس.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال على:

العمليات الأوروبية:

العمليات في أمريكا الشمالية:
Chet Lyons, رئيس شركة
Corre Energy US Development Company LLC
البريد الإلكتروني:
هاتف: 978-930-0760

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 300812416

‫ونٹیج نے برانڈ ایمبیسیڈر کے طور پر سپر کار بلونڈی کی نقاب کشائی کی

 سپر کار بلونڈی مالی تعلیم (فنانشل ایجوکیشن)کے لیے ونٹیج مارکیٹ کے ساتھ شراکت دار ہے۔

گرینڈ سائیمن، سائیمن آئی لینڈ 18 جنوری 2023/ پی آر نیوز وائر/ — کثیر اثاثہ بروکر،ونٹیج انٹرنیشنل گروپ لمیٹڈ (“ونٹیج” یا “ونٹئج مارکیٹ”) اپنے برانڈ ایمبیسیڈر کے طور پر سپر کار بلونڈی کی الیگزینڈرا میری ہرشی کی نقاب کشائی کرتے ہوئے خوش ہے۔

یہ شراکت ایک سوشل میڈیا پبلشر کے ساتھ آن لائن بروکریج کے درمیان ایک سنگ میل کی نشاندہی کرتی ہے، جس کا مقصد ونٹینج کے پلیٹ فارمز اور سپر کار بلونڈی کے آن لائن ایجوکیشن چینل، ایکسپلینڈ دونوں پر قابل رسائی اور متعلقہ مالی تعلیم(فنانشل ایجوکیشن) فراہم کرنے کے لیے اپنے متعلقہ مہارت کا استعمال کرنا ہے۔

ونٹیج کے چیف اسٹریٹیجی اینڈ ٹریڈنگ آفیسر مارک ڈیسپالیرس کہتے ہیں، “ہم اپنے برانڈ ایمبیسیڈر کے طور پر ایک بار پھر سپر کار بلونڈی کے ساتھ کام کرنے کے لیے انتہائی پرجوش ہیں۔ نوجوان اور زیادہ سمجھدار آڈیئنس (حاضرین) میں ونٹیج کے برانڈ کے بارے میں آگاہی پیدا کرنے کے لیے ہمارے لیے موزوں ہے۔ میں جانتا ہوں کہ اس کی منفرد پیشکش کا انداز تجارت کو بے نقاب کرنے میں مدد کرے گا، اور اسے سب کے لیے قابل رسائی اور متعلقہ بنائے گا۔”

سوشل میڈیا پبلشر پورے گروپ میں ہر ماہ 1 بلین سے زیادہ ویوز حاصل کرتا ہے، جس میں عالمی سطح پر 85 ملین سے زیادہ فالوورز ہیں۔ روایتی طور پر مردانہ صنعت میں ایک سرکردہ آواز اور اثر و رسوخ کے طور پر، سپر کار بلونڈی نے خواتین کو بااختیار بنانے میں ونٹیج کے عقائد کو جنم دیا، اس کے ساتھ ونٹیج کی جدت طرازی اور موسمیاتی کارروائی کے لیے مشترکہ عزم جو کہ ونٹیج کی NEOM McLaren Extreme E کے ساتھ شراکت داری کے ساتھ منسلک ہے۔

الیگزینڈرا میری ہرشی کہتی ہیں، “میں اپنے آڈیئنس (حاضرین) کے لیے دلچسپ اور تبدیلی آمیز مواد لانے کے لیے تیار ہوں۔ 2023 میں ہمارے کلیدی اہداف میں سے ایک قابل رسائی مالیاتی تعلیمی مواد فراہم کر کے اپنے آڈیئنس (حاضرین) کو بااختیار بنانا ہے۔ اس کے ساتھ، میں ایک مارکیٹ کے ساتھ شراکت پر بہت خوش ہوں۔ ونٹیج جیسے رہنما مالیاتی تعلیم پر پابندی کو بڑھانے اور سب کے لیے مالیاتی خواندگی کو مضبوط کرنے کے لیے۔ ونٹیج ایک بڑے دل کی کمپنی ہے، اور یہ دیکھ کر بہت پرجوش ہے کہ ہم مل کر کیا اثرات مرتب کر سکتے ہیں۔”

یہ اعلان دونوں تنظیموں کے درمیان شراکت داری کی مضبوطی کی نشاندہی کرتا ہے جو پہلی بار 2022 میں اس وقت قائم ہوئی تھی جب سپر کار بلونڈی نے ونٹیج کے کارپوریٹ ای ایس جی سفر کا باضابطہ آغاز کرنے اور موسمیاتی تبدیلیوں کے بارے میں آگاہی لانے کے لیے سارڈینیا، اٹلی میں بلیو کاربن اقدام میں حصہ لیا تھا۔

وینٹیج کے بارے میں

وینٹیج (وینٹیج انٹرنیشنل گروپ لمیٹڈ) ایک عالمی، کثیر اثاثہ بروکر ہے جو گاہکوں کو فاریکس، کموڈٹیز، انڈیکس، حصص، ای ٹی ایف اور بانڈز پر سی ایف ڈی ٹریڈنگ کے لئے ایک تیز رفتار اور طاقتور سروس تک رسائی فراہم کرتا ہے۔

13 سال سے زیادہ مارکیٹ تجربے کے ساتھ وینٹیج کے پاس اب 30 سے زیادہ عالمی دفاتر میں 1،000 سے زیادہ ملازمین ہیں۔

وینٹیج ایک بروکر سے بڑھ کر ہے۔ یہ ایک قابل اعتماد ٹریڈنگ ماحولیاتی نظام، ایک ایوارڈ یافتہ موبائل ٹریڈنگ ایپ، اور ایک صارف دوست ٹریڈنگ پلیٹ فارم فراہم کرتا ہے جو گاہکوں کو ٹریڈنگ کے مواقع سے فائدہ اٹھانے کے قابل بناتا ہے۔ایپ اسٹور یا گوگل پلے پر وینٹیج ایپ ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں۔

New research reveals shifting identities of global fishing fleet to help bolster fisheries management

Scientific study fuses multiple data sources to advance global understanding of vessel identity and behavior

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study published today in Science Advances combines a decade’s worth of satellite vessel tracking data with identification information from more than 40 public registries to determine where and when vessels responsible for most of the world’s industrial fishing change their country of registration, a practice known as “reflagging”, and identify hotspots of potential unauthorized fishing and activity of foreign-owned vessels.

Using big data processing and a compilation of global datasets, researchers from Global Fishing Watch, the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab from Duke University, and Stockholm Resilience Centre were able to track and analyze 35,000 commercial fishing and support vessels to reveal their changing identities and enable the reconstruction of vessel histories to demonstrate reflagging patterns.

The study, “Tracking Elusive and Shifting Identities of the Global Fishing Fleet” found that close to 20 percent of high seas fishing is carried out by vessels that are either internationally unregulated or not publicly authorized, with large concentrations of these ships operating in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and the western Indian Ocean.

The data used in the study is intended to complement the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels, a flagship transparency initiative which serves as the official database of information on vessels used for fishing and fishing-related activities. Together with the International Maritime Organization’s ship identification number scheme, these resources can provide fisheries authorities with the information needed to adequately monitor vessel activity, implement flag State responsibilities, and inform responsible fisheries management.

“Until now, we’ve had limited information linking together the identity and activity of specific vessels,” said Jaeyoon Park, senior data scientist at Global Fishing Watch and lead author of the study. “When a vessel’s identity is changed, it makes tracking them all the more difficult, allowing bad actors the opportunity to take advantage of information gaps and avoid oversight. We need to close that loophole.”

Of the 116 States involved in reflagging, the study found that one-fifth of them were responsible for about 80 percent of this practice over the past decade, with most reflagging occurring in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. The study found that reflagging takes place in just a few ports—Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Busan, Zhoushan, and Kaohsiung have the highest activity. Vessels are often reflagged to States that are unrelated to the ports in which they are changing their registrations. This means that a vessel can change its flag from one country to another without ever having to enter port in either of those countries.

While there are legitimate reasons for a vessel to change its identity, abusive reflagging, or “flag hopping,” is one way that operators avoid oversight. The study found that fleets with prevalent reflagging are over five times more likely to be composed of vessels under foreign ownership which are often registered to “flags of convenience,” defined by the International Transport Workers’ Federation as countries that offer foreign shipowners the ability to register, or fly the flag, of their own State.

While reflagging and foreign ownership are lawful, when not properly regulated and monitored, they can indicate a risk of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing accounts for as much as 20 percent of the global seafood catch with annual losses valued at up to $23.5 billion.

“Knowing the identities of vessels fishing the high seas is critical for uncovering the connection between the potential IUU fishing behavior and vessels that repeatedly change their name, flag State or registered owner,” said co-author Gabrielle Carmine, a doctoral candidate at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. “This analysis could be used to help monitor fisheries more effectively and for accountability in the use and protection of marine biodiversity.”

The study also identified concentrations of fishing activity by foreign-owned vessels, which are focused in parts of the high seas and certain national waters, including the southwest Pacific, the northwest Indian Ocean, Argentina and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and West Africa where vessels are typically owned by China, Chinese Taipei, and Spain. The hotspots in this study correspond to the areas in which multiple nongovernmental organizations have called for better governance systems.

“By synthesizing more than 100 billion GPS positions with consolidated identity information from 200,000 vessels, we were able to reveal patterns about vessel activity from the past decade,” added Park. “This study represents a major step forward in our ability to enhance monitoring efforts and help authorities direct enforcement resources.”

The data used in this study will be periodically updated and shared publicly to help enable better understanding of vessel behavior and bolster international fisheries management.

Notes to the editor:

  • Download data visualizations, video, and figures from the paper here:
  • Data visualization caption: Data analysis in this study’s assessment of fishing compliance revealed hotspots of fishing activity by foreign-owned vessels in the southwest Pacific, the west Indian oceans, and certain national waters.
  • About vessel identity data: The data used to determine vessel identities in this study were based on public registries. A lack of vessel identity information exists at the national level, while the high seas are predominantly covered by registries published by regional fisheries management organizations. The identity data used in this study has more extensive coverage for vessels that are 24 meters and longer, as these vessels are more likely to be registered to national or international public registries than smaller ones.
  • About AIS data: First developed as a collision-avoidance system, AIS is essential to vessel and crew safety. But AIS is easily manipulated, as it can simply be switched off or allow the transmission of false information, such as a vessel’s name, type or location. Currently there is no global mandate for all fishing vessels to broadcast on AIS. And due to the varying quality of satellite reception by region, there is also unequal coverage of AIS data throughout the world. Most vessels larger than 24 meters are equipped with AIS while only a small fraction of vessels smaller than 24 meters use AIS, resulting in limitations in AIS data.
  • Paper citation: J. Park, J. Van Osdel, J. Turner, C. M. Farthing, N. A. Miller, H. L. Linder, G. Ortuño Crespo, G. Carmine, D. A. Kroodsma, Tracking elusive and shifting identities of the global fishing fleet. Sci. Adv. 9, eabp8200 (2023).
  • Download the data at: 

Global Fishing Watch is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through increased transparency of human activity at sea. By creating and publicly sharing map visualizations, data and analysis tools, we aim to enable scientific research and transform the way our ocean is managed. We believe human activity at sea should be public knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the common good of all.


Lisa Tossey
Global Fishing Watch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8732331

FM lauds support by Belgium, Netherlands for Pak flood victims

Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari met his Belgian counterpart Hadja Lahbib on the sidelines of World Economic Forum meeting in Davos on Thursday and discussed bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari appreciated the support extended by Belgium for the flood-affected people of Pakistan.

Both sides expressed the resolve to further strengthen economic, trade, investment and cultural cooperation.

The Foreign Minister also held a meeting with Dutch Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Wopke Hoekstra.

The two foreign ministers expressed the resolve to work together to further enhance cooperation in trade, investment, education, Information Technology and agriculture sectors.

Earlier, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari also met Managing Director Operations of World Bank Axel Van Trotsenburg and discussed its engagement with Pakistan.

He lauded the pledge of the World Bank of two billion dollars made at the Resilient Pakistan Conference in Geneva and also mentioned its important role as a major development partner.

Both sides expressed the resolve to achieve shared goals.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Russia, Pakistan pursuing plan of cooperation in gas sector: Shulginov

Russian Minister for Energy Nikolay Shulginov says Moscow and Islamabad are engaged in pursuing a comprehensive plan of cooperation in the gas sector.

In an interview with PTV on Thursday, he said our goal is to develop business relations with Pakistan. He said we are discussing cooperation in various fields, including energy, industry, agriculture, and customs, education, and information technology. He, however, said that any other topic can also be discussed to deepen relationships and boost bilateral cooperation.

Replying to a question about the outcome of the last meeting of the Pakistan-Russia Inter-Government Commission held in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, Nikolay Shulginov said construction of Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline from Karachi to Lahore was discussed in that session and now we are to sign necessary documents in this regard. Expressing satisfaction on the outcome of the previous meeting, he said several issues have been resolved, but we would continue our cooperation to solve the pending ones.

Answering a question, the Russian Minister said we are already prepared to sign customs cooperation. He said this year we will be celebrating 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Russia. He said we have always been building relations in the spirit of trust, mutual respect and benefit. He said even in the difficult times, we managed to find common approaches to international problems.

Responding to a question about meeting between Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Nikolay Shulginov said they discussed gas projects, the current pending projects, including Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline, as well as finding gas resources. He said gas transit route from Russia to Central Asian states, Afghanistan and Pakistan or an alternative route through Iran was also deliberated upon. He, however, expressed the belief that such issues will be resolved during the 8th meeting. He said that apart from energy, the two heads of states also discussed other bilateral issues like diversifying trade.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Pakistan, Russia finalize consultations to boost cooperation in various sectors

Pakistan and Russia have finalized consultations to enhance cooperation in areas of mutual interests, including energy, oil and gas, trade and commerce, science and technology, investment, industry, economy and agriculture.

These consultations were held on the 2nd day of 8th meeting of Inter-governmental Commission on Trade and Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation of Pakistan and Russia in Islamabad on Thursday.

Both sides have finalized the draft protocol of these meetings. This draft protocol will be agreed and signed at the plenary session of 8th Session of Inter- Governmental Commission of Pak- Russia being held tomorrow.

The aim of these consultations is to enhance the level of trade and cooperation between both states. Both sides shared satisfaction on the ongoing consultations. The Russian side opined that significant progress has been made on various areas which would ultimately pave the way for deepening and strengthening relations between Pakistan and Russia.

Source: Radio Pakistan

Govt introducing reforms in all sectors to cement economy: Dar

Minister for Finance and Revenue Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar held a meeting with a delegation of BB Energy headed by its Group CEO Mohamed Bassatne in Islamabad on Thursday.

Group CEO BB Energy Mohamed Bassatne expressed gratitude to the Finance Minister and shared BB Energy’s business profile.

He apprised the Finance Minister about their current investment in energy sector and expressed interest to develop a strategic business relationship to supply affordable petroleum products and LNG to Pakistan. He also showed interest in expanding their business further in Pakistan.

Finance Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar welcomed the delegation and shared the economic outlook of the country. He further said that the present Government inherited week economic legacy but is focusing on fixing things in right direction and is introducing reforms in all sectors to achieve economic growth and development. He said that due to pragmatic measures taken by the government, the country is destined for progress and development.

The Finance Minister appreciated Mohamed Bassatne for showing interest in expanding their business activities and investment in energy sector in Pakistan to boost its energy supply line.

He further assured that Government of Pakistan will provide all kinds of support required by the company in order to expand its business and investment in the country.

The delegation thanked the Finance Minister for extending cooperation and support.

Source: Radio Pakistan